
    The Analysis of the Marketing Strategy Based on the New Media of New Oriental Education
    In recent years, new media has gradually showed its tremendous power in the function of communications and its rapid growth as well as great increase leads the whole internet media to a new era. With the change of those media environment, a fundamental change has happened in the shopping habits and life style of customers such as how to receiving and dealing with information, consequently, the communication method with everyone’s participation, has exactly changed people’s recognition about the media. How enterprises can make use of various communication methods on earth in order to carry out marketing, avoid venture and build their brands is the important topic for all the enterprises in the era of new media.  
    The paper mainly explores the strategy of the integrated marketing communications of new media through the analysis of the case of New Oriental Education, which makes the readers fully recognize the role of new media in the whole marketing system of the enterprises, its further development and potential achievement in the following years and the change it will bring to the contemporary enterprises. Therefore, the exploration of the new media marketing of enterprises not only has both the great theoretical and practical significance but also can help the enterprises of our country to seize the opportunity, open to innovation and sharp theircompetitive edges in the dynamically developing business environment.
    KeyWords:Integrated marketing;New Oriental Education;The enterprise marketing
    目  录

    一、  绪论    1
    (一)  研究目的和意义    1
    (二)  研究现状和发展趋势    2
    (三)  研究方法及基本论点    3
    1、  研究方法    3
    2、  基本论点    3
    (四)  研究企业的介绍    3
    (五)  研究框架    4
    二、  传统营销及新媒体营销的联系    4
    (一)  传统营销的概念    4
    (二)  新媒体营销的概念    5
    1、  新媒体营销的含义和特征    5
    2、  新媒体营销与传统媒体的差异    6
    3、  新媒体营销存在的问题    7
    (三)  整合营销的概念    7
    1、  新媒体环境为整合营销传播带来的挑战    8
    2、  新媒体环境为整合营销传播带来的机遇    8
    三、  案例分析——新东方利用新媒体的效率    9
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