    摘要:如今平板电脑已经非常普遍,平板电脑的市场正从幼稚期逐渐转向成长期,在行业升级中存在巨大的利润空间.目前平板电脑市场也逐渐被划分为3个主要的系统:IOS,安卓,windows.本文通过对平板电脑的调研和分析,分别对不同人群所适用的主流系统做出分析;另一方面也是通过本次调研,明确不同的平板电脑的制造商应该针对的核心客户,使其在平板电脑的成长期稳步发展,获得最大收益.本文从产品生命周期的基本理论出发先对当下的平板电脑市场进行了分析,之后通过对样本群体的调查做出相关的研究,主要通过了单项分析,联合分析和交叉分析来对当下种类繁多的平板电脑中不同目标群体做出分析, 对平板电脑厂商在电子产品高速发展的市场下如何开展企业战略进行研究,确定不同的消费群体所适用的平板电脑,并制定适合平板电脑公司的发展战略及实施发展战略的措施,为公司的下一步发展指明了明确的方向。21643
    Analysis of tablet computer market in the future competition pattern -- win8
     Abstract: Nowadays computer is already very common. The tablet computer market is from infancy to gradually shift the growth period. There is a huge profit margins in the industry upgrade. The tablet computer market has been pided into 3 main systems: IOS, Android, windows. Through investigation and analysis of the flat plate computer, make analysis the mainstream system respectively for different people apply; on the other hand also through this research, the tablet computer different manufacturers should be the core customers for the tablet computer in the growth period of steady development, get the most benefits.In this paper, analyze from the basic theory of product life cycle starting to market on the current tablet computer, then through the investigation of the sample group to make relevant research, mainly through the analysis, combined with analysis and cross analysis of the tablet computer to a wide variety of different target groups to make analysis, for the tablet computer manufacturers in the electronic products the rapid development of the market to carry out the enterprise strategy research, to determine the flat computer for different consumer groups, the development strategy and formulate suitable for flat computer company development strategy and implementation measures, points out a clear direction for the further development of the company.
    Keywords: tablet computer, the Win8 operating system, market structure
    一.研究背景和意义    4
    (一)研究背景    4
    (二)研究意义    4
    (三)国内外研究现状    5
    二.Win8平板市场发展概况    7
    (一)Win8平板电脑的特点    7
    (二)Win8平板的优势    7
    (三)了解IOS,Google,Microsoft平板电脑的分布人群    9
    三.Win8平板市场调研分析    10
    (一)消费者对平板电脑的认识    10
    (二)受访者分别对于现在三种主流的操作系统下的平板的看法    12
    (三)未来平板市场的发展    14
    (四)联合分析相关联问题    15
    (五)交叉分析 “对平板电脑的看法”和“win平板是否会带来方便”    16
    四.结论和建议    17
    (一)结论及意义    17
    (二)研究的局限    18
    (三)建议    19
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