    研究对绩效评估公平感的影响因素进行了研究。调查了各种类型企业各个岗位的员工,搜集有效调查问卷124份,采用探索性因素分析和分层回归方法,运用SPSS19.0软件进行分析。得出以下结论:绩效评估前的LMX(领导-成员交换)(Pre-Appraisal LMX)质量通过评估者公平和分配公平对绩效评估公平有显著的正向影响
    关键词  绩效评估、组织公平、评估者公平、系统程序公平、互动公平
    Title    Affect employee’s performance appraisal fairness factor analysis                          
    In today's competitive social environment, the competition between the enterprises in the final analysis is the talent competition. How to successfully attract talent, motivate and maintain staff's enthusiasm and initiative, can be in an impregnable position in the competition. In the process, highlighting the importance of human resources, admits that the core status of performance management. Performance evaluation results can be used as a selection scheme is effective, employee compensation adjustment, develop the basis of a training plan of the enterprise and employees incentive measures. Employees for performance evaluation of a sense of fairness directly affect the employee's organizational commitment, trust management, performance improvement and turnover intention, organizational citizenship behavior such as employee attitude and behavior. On the establishment of the performance evaluation system, pointed out that the fairness of the performance evaluation system in the past, many literature often give employees different feelings and reactions, and the effectiveness of the performance evaluation on the practical issues of concern to most people
    In this study, performance appraisal justice fairness factors were studied. Investigated the types of enterprise employees in various positions, 124 valid questionnaires were collected, using exploratory factor analysis . Data were anlysed by using SPSS19.0. The following conclusions can be concluded: Pre-Appraisal LMX has a significant positive impact on rater justice and distributive justice.
    Keywords Performance Evaluation; Organizational Justice; Rater Justice; System Procedural Justice, Interactive Justice
    目   次
    1.引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2问题的提出    1
    1.3研究的目的    2
    1.4研究的意义    2
    1.5研究的过程设计    4
    2.文献综述和假设    4
    2.1绩效评估公平感研究综述    4
    2.2组织公平感研究综述    5
    2.3绩效评估公平和组织公平的关系    6
    2.4绩效评估公平感的影响因素    6
    3.方法和程序    9
    3.1调查对象    9
    3.2测量工具    10
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