    关键词  舆情应对  公众满意度  影响因素   多元线性回归分析
    Title     Study on the Influencing Factors of Public Satisfaction with Government’s Response to Public Opinion            
    With the development of Internet, public opinion spurs out. Modern government paying attention to and dealing with network public opinion, not only performs its management function, but also embodies the people-centered administrative concept. Therefore, using 21 editions of China Youth Monthly Public Opinion Index Reports, which include 420 significant public opinion events from July 2013 to March 2014, to study the influencing factors of public satisfaction with government’s response to public opinion. Hypotheses are proposed: when the nature of events(negative, neutral or positive) and the coverage of them work as two control variables, government’s responding activeness, arrival rate of response and recognition rate of response are three important factors to effect the public satisfaction. Through the regression analysis, we can conclude that: (1) public hold higher satisfaction for events spreading positive energy, (2) the increase of government’s recognition rate of response, arrival rate of response and responding activeness has a significant positive effect on public satisfaction, besides, recognition rate is the most critical factor, (3) there is no correlation between the coverage of events and public satisfaction, the relationship can’t be identified yet. Therefore, shortage is pinpointed out and suggestion is made to improve public satisfaction from the perspective of government’s response to public opinion.
    Keywords  Government’s response to public opinion  Public satisfaction  Influencing factor  Regression analysis
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  研究背景与意义 1
    1.2  文献综述 2
    1.3  研究的主要内容和研究方法 6
    2  相关概念和理论基础 7
    2.1  相关概念 7
    2.2  理论基础 8
    3  政府应对舆情的公众满意度影响因素回归分析 12
    3.1  假设研究 12
    3.2  数据与变量说明 13
    3.3  模型建构 13
    3.4  逐步回归分析 14
    3.5  回归分析结果讨论 18
    4  政府应对舆情存在的现实问题 20
    4.1  政府与公众间的良性互动尚未建立 20
    4.2  解码不充分和处置不力 20
    4.3  应对迟缓和重视程度低 21
    4.4  信息“下达”闭塞 22
    4.5  未完成向“民主治理型”政府回应的转变 22
    5  提高政府应对舆情的公众满意度的对策建议 24
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