    关键词  电子商务 B2C 网购 农村地区 物流配送
    Title    Research on B2C E-commerce Logistic Distribution  in Rural Areas                         
    With the development of technology and the popularity of the Internet, e-commerce has developed more quickly in the age of information.With the urban-rural gap narrowing and the development of information technology, the number of Internet users is increasing in the rural areas in which people’s attitude toward shopping is changing.There is huge potential of e-commerce in rural areas.But e-commerce is developing with immature system of logistic distribution, especially in rural areas where infrastructure is not complete.Because of the defect of rural areas, logistic distribution is not convenient in rural areas.And that inhibit rural residents from online shopping.
    The paper used literature method to do research on B2C e-commerce logistic distribution in rural areas.First of all, the paper introduced present situation and the trend of B2C online shopping in rural areas.Secondly, the paper introduced relevant circumstances about B2C e-commerce logistic distribution in rural areas, including the process and characteristics.Then the paper analyzed the problems in B2C e-commerce logistic distribution in rural areas.Finally, the paper put forward some suggestions on the problems in B2C e-commerce logistic distribution in rural areas.
    Keywords  E-commerce B2C Online shopping Rural area Logistic Distribution
    目   次
    1  引言  1
    1.1  研究背景及意义  1
    1.2  研究方法  1
    1.3  研究框架  2
    文献综述 3
    2.1  国外相关研究  3
    2.2  国内相关研究  3
    3  农村B2C网购物流配送问题概述  6
    3.1  B2C模式和农村B2C网购的大好情景  6
    3.2  农村B2C网购物流配送  9
    3.3  农村B2C网购物流配送存在的问题  12
    4.  农村B2C网购物流配送优化建议  14
    4.1  完善道路与网络基础设施建设  14
    4.2  积极鼓励民营快递企业向农村市场扩展  14
    4.3  结合乡镇客运班车及农村公交进行配送  15
    4.4  结合地方物流配送公司进行配送  15
    4.5  完善乡镇一级配送网点建设  16
    4.6  完善信息平台建设  17
    5  小结与展望  18
    5.1  文章小结与研究不足  18
    5.2  研究展望  18
    致谢  19
    参考文献  20
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