    Breeding population status of volunteerism and community service research on the governance path
    Abstract:Community as one of the most fundamental areas of life, the atmosphere of the community, the environment and development were closely linked to residents ' quality of life, social stability and harmony. Good community environment, community service can provide a better quality of life for residents, but at the same time, good community building requires residents to participate actively. Particularly with regard to community services, residents play an important role. People themselves need to be involved in community service, and residents can also come from other community services provided to residents, thus forming "one for all, all for one" situation. At present, most of the residents to participate in community building initiative go far enough, say most residents were not volunteerism, dedication to contribute to the community's powers. Through cultivation of community service volunteerism status of residents to inspect the problem and root cause analysis, multiple paths to improve the status quo. Which focuses on community services integration manage the innovation path through community service inspired, breeding resident of volunteerism.
    Key words: community development;volunteerism;integration management
    目  录
    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    3
    一、导论    4
    (一)研究背景    4
    (二)研究意义    4
    1、理论意义    4
    2、现实意义    4
    (三)研究现状分析    5
    (四)研究方法与内容    5
    1、研究方法    5
    2、研究内容    5
    二、社区服务、居民志愿精神的理论概述    6
    (一)社区服务的概念界定    6
    (二)居民志愿精神的内涵    6
    (三)通过社区服务激发、培育居民志愿精神    6
    三、社区服务培育居民志愿精神的现状考察与分析    7
    (一)社区服务培育居民志愿精神的现状考察    7
    (二)社区服务培育居民志愿精神不足的原因分析    8
    四、积分制管理:社区服务培育居民志愿精神的新路径    8
    (一)积分制管理概念阐述    8
    (二)积分制管理的优势    8
    (三)社区服务积分制管理的具体实施及所获成效——以荆门市社区为例    9
    1、基本模式与方法步骤    9
    2、社区服务积分制管理主要特点与成效    10
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