    摘  要:随着电子商务如火如荼的发展,各种网络电商出现,化妆品行业网络营销开始兴起。在化妆品行业中,女性是最受关注的消费群体,特别是有关女性化妆品网购交易规模增长迅速,聚美优品作为国内有一定影响力的美妆电商、主打美妆的网站,利用明星效应和整合营销手段等脱颖而出,聚美优品的成功和迅速崛起逐渐引起人们的关注,然而析探究其成功背后仍有弊端和不足。聚美优品在整合营销过程中取得明显效果,但是整合营销的运用存在不足之处,有待提高。通过对聚美优品的研究,对聚美优品的营销策略进行深入分,并以此为基础来剖析存在的弊端和不足,进而对聚美优品的持续发展提供一些建议,有利于聚美优品及其它化妆品企业的良性发展。30332
    The Study on The Application of Integrated Marketing in The Cosmetics Industry --Taking Poly Beauty Is Superior As An Example
    Abstract: With the development of electronic commerce of various network business appears like a raging fire, the cosmetics industry, network marketing began to rise. In the cosmetics industry, women are the most popular consumer groups, especially the rapid growth of the size of women cosmetics online shopping transactions, poly beauty is superior as the country have a certain influence on the beauty business, hit the United States makeup sites, using the star effect and integrated marketing means, come to the fore, poly beauty is superior and the rapid rise gradually attracted people's attention. However, the research behind its success, there are still shortcomings and deficiencies. Poly beauty is superior in the process of integrated marketing has obvious effect, but the integrated use of the marketing deficiencies and needs to be improved. Through the study of poly beauty is superior, poly beauty is superior marketing strategy for in-depth analysis, and thus as the foundation to analyze the drawbacks of existing, and to gather the sustainable development of the United States to provide some suggestions, to gather the benign development of beauty products and other cosmetics enterprises.
    Key words: Cosmetics industry; Integrated marketing; poly beauty is superior
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract.    1
    一、整合营销概述及聚美优品概述    2
    (一)整合营销特点和重要性    2
    (二)整合营销在网络购物中的应用    3
    (三)聚美优品的简介    3
    (四)聚美优品的发展现状    3
    二、聚美优品应用整合营销的重要性    4
    (一)应对激烈的竞争    4
    (二)深层挖掘并赢得客户    4
    (三)品牌建设的需要    5
    (四)优化配置企业资源    5
    三、整合营销在聚美优品的应用    6
    (一)多渠道营销    6
    (二)产品资源的整合    6
    (三)多方关系营销    7
    (四)信息及宣传推广的整合    7
    四、聚美优品整合营销存在的问题    8
    (一)营销概念理解的不足    8
    (二)客户关系营销存在不足    8
    (三)服务水平有待提高    9
    (四)整合营销过程中创新能力不足    9
    五、聚美优品整合营销对化妆品行业的启示    10
    (一)以消费者利益为出发点    10
    (二)提供完善的服务    10
    (三)重视企业领导者的作用    10
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