    Abstract: Using the questionnaire survey, the different levels of the laborers to survey, based on China's basic national conditions has now rational analysis of China's "demographic pidend" problem, the author thinks that China's "demographic window of opportunity", but China is now facing the population problem rather than a "demographic pidend", in China's large population base, under the conditions of labor surplus, the grim situation of employment problem, really a pidend is accepting entity rather than laborer or countries. China's rapid economic development since the reform and opening up is not "demographic pidend", is a function of economic system reform, and rapid economic development at the same time, the rapid consumption of energy resources, environmental pollution is also facing a big problem. And the author thinks that China's aging population increase is brought about by the "demographic window of opportunity" closed, does not mean that our country will appear the phenomenon of labor shortage, improve the quality of the labor force, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure is imminent.
    Keywords: demographic pidend,demographic window of opportunity,population problem,resources and environment,the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure
    1    引言    3
    2    基于中国国情的“人口红利”辨析    3
    2.1    中国的人口转变是国家采取强制性政策形成的    3
    2.2    中国人口基数大,劳动力剩余严重,就业问题突出    4
    2.3    不能仅以理论抚养比来判断中国是否在收获人口红利    5
    2.4    真正获得红利的是具体的用工单位    7
    2.5    人口红利并非推动中国经济增长的决定性因素    9
    2.5.1    银行储蓄率的上升不是普通劳动人口的贡献    9
    2.5.2    我国经济快速增长的主要原因是国家政策    10
    2.5.3    中国经济的快速发展是以资源过度消耗和环境破坏为代价的    11
    2.6    中国并不会出现劳动力短缺现象    12
    3    面对“人口红利”的理性选择    12
    3.1    提高人口素质,丰富优质人力资源    12
    3.2    建立完善的农民工权益保障体制和培训体制    13
    3.3    实现产业结构优化升级,充分开发利用适龄劳动人口人力资源    13
    3.4    认清人口形势,不要用人口红利误导人口政策    13
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