    About (Shanghai) the disabled employment present situation investigation and study and the countermeasures and Suggestions
    ——Jinshan HengXin homes, for example
    Abstract:The disabled employment is a social problem, in order to understand the disabled employment problem, all countries have different efforts and try. China is a superpower, the population is also a country with the largest number of people with disabilities. The disabled employment is a special employment field and small areas, but the cause of disabled people's employment and assistive an important part of people with disabilities and their families are concerned about a social problem. Employment for people with disabilities, means that the improvement of their economic life, spiritual life, the promotion and improvement of social status, to maintain social stability and unity, safeguard equality for people with disabilities to fully participate in social life, social material and cultural achievements sharing etc. Have a great significance. Solution, therefore, have labor ability of the handicapped employment, is the basic way to realize disabled people into society.
    Key words: People with disabilities; The employment situation; The social survey;
    目  录
    一、引言    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    (三) 文献综述    2
    二、调查基本情况    3
    (一) 样本选择    3
    (二) 调查方法    3
    (三) 问卷回收情况    3
    三、调查结果    4
    (一) 基本情况    4
    1、 残疾类别    4
    2、 学历及技能证书    4
    (二)就业情况    5
    1、 就业途径    5
    2、 就业单位    6
    3、 收入情况    6
    4、 对目前工作的满意度    7
    5、 未就业的原因    7
    6、 失业的原因    8
    (三) 就业政策知晓度    8
    四、调查结论    10
    (一) 政府和社会方面的原因    10
    1、 社会对于残障人士就业方面的热心程度不够    10
    2、 企事业单位对残障人士就业问题不够重视    10
    3、 没有适合残障人士的就业信息    10
    4、 政府和社会的宣传力度不够    10
    (二)残障人士自身方面的原因    10
    1、 残障人士的职业选择和工作类型受其残疾类型和残疾程度的约束    10
    2、 残障人士就业的竞争力较差    11
    3、 残障人士的自卑问题    11
    4、 残障人士对于政策的知晓率低    11
    五、国外残疾人就业政策    12
    (一) 理念领先    12
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