    Study on  Characteristics of the Best Employers from the Need Hierarchy Theory Perspective
    ----Text Analysis  on Employer Brand Evaluation Results
    Abstract: In recent years, with the accelerating pace of internationalization, the influx of a large number of foreign-funded enterprises, talent competition is also intensified.As an important factor in the success of enterprises to attract talent, recruit talent, retain talent is particularly important.In order to explore the characteristics of the best employers in the minds of employees, to help enterprises to establish their own employer brand, the formation of a unique competitive advantage, a variety of assessment activities for the best employer have sprouted up and the study of employer brands have become increasingly perse. In this paper, through the collection of nearly ten years the best employer appraisal report, combined with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, to study the different years, different types, different gender characteristics of employees, whether changes to explore the best employer characteristics consistent with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order to find out the key factors of keeping the enterprise with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory put forward suggestions
    Key words: the best employers;employer brand;Maslow's demand level theory
    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    4
    Key words    4
    前言    4
    一、 理论基础与文献综述    5
    (一)相关概念界定    5
    1.雇主和雇员    5
    2 .雇主品牌    5
    3. 最佳雇主    5
    (二)理论基础    6
    (三)文献综述    6
    二、 研究方法与思路    7
    (一) 研究方法    7
    1. 文本分析法    7
    2. 比较分析法    7
    (二) 技术路线    7
    (三)可能的创新    8
    三、最佳雇主现状及研究设计    9
    (一) 中国最佳雇主评比活动现状    9
    (二) 研究设计    9
    四、最佳雇主特征分析    12
    (一) 最佳雇主特征分析    12
    1.基于马斯洛需求层次理论分析最佳雇主特征    12
    2.产生职场马斯洛现象的原因分析    16
    五、 结论与建议    17
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
    前言 经济全球化是21世纪最主要的社会特征之一,伴随着经济全球化步伐的加快,越来越多的跨国公司开始进入中国市场,各个企业之间的竞争也变得尤为的激烈,为了应对激烈的竞争形势,人才成为企业取得成功的关键武器。雇员是企业不可或缺的组成部分,企业能否取得长远地发展,一定程度上取决于雇员对于工作的积极性,因此,企业如何能够达到雇员满意,成为雇员心中的最佳雇主,最大限度的调动雇员的工作积极性就显得尤为重要,雇主品牌的评比也就应运而生。
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