    The Research on the reform of merge pension system
    Abstract: As an important part of our social insurance system,endowment insurance system has a strong relationship with our citizens’ life livelihood which will influence the development of economy and harmony of society. After more than twenty years, China’s Pension insurance system reform has made distinct achievements, but with the development of endowment insurance system, there are still some obvious problems to cope with. Due to several historical reasons, our country’s endowment insurance system forms two sets of independent system ,which caused the two different annuities treatments . And the present situation of China’s ‘double-track’ model of pension insurance has built the gap between government institutions and enterprises,  it also had negative effects on social justice and obstruct rational flow of human resources.So our authorities put the double-track model of pension insurance into practice have been welcomed by all the citizens, and government had already explore the way to reform.This dissertation references typical countries and regions’s experiences about how to reform endowment insurance system, based on our real situations ,analysising and inquirying problems of our own system. In order to produce some practical proposals to the reform of our endowment insurance system.
    Key Words: Endowment insurance;double-track system;Social insurance
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 选题背景    1
    (二) 研究目的与意义    2
    (三) 国内外研究现状    3
    (四) 研究思路    4
    (五) 研究方法    4
    二.我国养老金制度的历史沿革    4
    (一) 我国养老金制度的建立阶段(1949年-1957年)    5
    (二) 我国养老金制度的调整阶段(1958年-1965年)    5
    (三) 我国养老金制度的受挫阶段(1966年—1991年)    6
    (四) 我国养老金制度的改革阶段(1991年至今)    6
    (五) 我国机关事业单位与企业养老金制度的差异比较    7
    三、我国养老金并轨改革的现状和阻碍    9
    (一) 我国养老金制度改革的现状和方向    9
    (二) 我国养老金制度改革的障碍    9
    四、典型国家和地区的经验借鉴    10
    (一) 日本的经验    10
    (二) 德国的经验    11
    (三) 新加坡的经验    13
    (四) 香港的经验    14
    五、我国公务员养老保险制度改革的对策建议    15
    (一) 统一改革方案    15
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