    with the rapid development of economy and society, and quickening of the urbanization, the problem of the unreasonable land use is increasingly prominent. In this context, in order to solve the land problem, thereby promoting the sustainable use of land resources, improve the level of intensive land use, land remediation work and orderly conduct becomes especially important. In this paper, carefully read the basis of relevant literature, land remediation of the major aspects as the starting point, focusing on exploring the rural construction land remediation potential of Huainan City, according to the current characters in Huainan City of rural construction land, estimated its rural construction land remediation the potential of the city's rural construction land remediation potential to be pided, the city's rural construction land remediation potential is pided into four, ArcGis software reuse potential distribution area in Huainan City plotted, more intuitive reflect potential distribution; Finally, estimates results of the analysis presented its future rural construction land remediation work his own opinion, highlighted some suggestions from rural construction land remediation mode and financing channels, hoping to provide a reference for future rural construction land in Huainan City of remediation.
    Key words: rural construction land, the potential, potential analysis
    目  录
    摘  要Ⅰ
    1  绪  论    1
      1.1 研究背景及意义    1
      1.2 研究内容    1
      1.3 国内外研究现状    2
    2  淮南市农村建设用地现状与整治的必要性    4
      2.1 农村建设用地规模及分布现状分析    4
      2.2 农村建设用地利用特点及问题    6
      2.3 农村建设用地整治的必要性    7
    3  淮南市农村建设用地整治潜力测算    8
      3.1 农村建设用地整治潜力内涵    8
      3.2 计算方法    8
      3.3 潜力分级    9
      3.4 潜力评价    11
    4  进一步推进淮南市农村建设用地整治的相关建议    13
      4.1 因地制宜的选择合理可行的整治模式    13
      4.2 加强闲置和低效的农村建设用地整治    14
      4.3 注重农村建设用地整治过程中的多渠道筹资    14
      4.4 农村建设用地整治过程中应充分尊重农民意愿    15
      4.5编制切合实际的规划,有序推进农村建设用地整治    15
    致 谢16
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