    Abstract This paper studies the Kunming Sustainable Urban Land Use. It begins to explain the background and the program, the data by listing the many, many problems after Kunming drawn from the analysis of land use in the presence of the now. Data acquired through the list, the article resolve the land use status of Kunming, Kunming, land use illustrate the problems.
        Through comprehensive index method to Kunming sustainable land use status evaluation and analysis, finally put forward the method to solve the problem. According to the actual situation of Kunming, with reference to domestic and international sustainable development evaluation index  from the resource environment, economy and society, the three aspects of chose 11 factors as the contestant factor , build the Kunming urban sustainable land use evaluation index.Through the analysis of the status quot of Kunming urban land sustainable use, contrast the conclusion, and proposed six Suggestions:1.strengthen the protection of land ecological concept  2.strengthen the protection of cultivated land  3.strengthen the intensive utilization of land  4.Improve had used the land utilization  5.Scientific planning, strengthening the management 6.Development of unused resources.
    Key words: Kunming City, The land of town, Land sustainable utilization, Evaluation
    Abstract•Ⅱ1. 绪论 1
      1.1  研究背景•1
      1.2  研究方案•1
        1.2.1  主要研究内容•1
    1.2.2  主要研究目的•2

    2. 昆明市城镇土地利用现状分析3
      2.1  昆明市城镇土地利用现状特点•3
      2.2  城镇土地利用中存在的突出问题及原因•4
        2.2.1  土地资源供求矛盾日益尖锐4
        2.2.2  土地利用结构和布局不完全合理4
        2.2.3  土地可持续程度不高5
    3. 昆明市城镇土地可持续利用评价6
      3.1  选择评价体系6
      3.2  评价指标指标体系的建立6
      3.3  评价方法的选取•7
      3.4   昆明市城镇土地可持续利用总评价分析及结果8
        3.4.1  权重确定8
        3.4.2  评价指标值的标准化9
        3.4.3  评价结果分析12
      3.5   解决措施•13
        3.5.1  加强土地保护的生态理念13
        3.5.2  加强对耕地的保护13
        3.5.3  加强土地集约利用13
        3.5.4  提高已利用土地利用率14
        3.5.5  科学规划,加强管理•14
    3.5.6  开发未利用资源14
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