
    摘要目的:探讨大学生自我宽恕和睡眠质量的相关关系,并进一步验证情绪在自我宽恕和睡眠质量的关系中起中介作用。方法:选用Heartland宽恕量表、丘琳编制的积极情绪消极情绪修订版(PANAS-R)和 《匹兹堡睡眠质量指数》 (PSQI)对250名大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)大学生自我宽恕水平整体处于中等偏上(M=49.73﹥42),具体来说,自我宽恕在性别和年级上具有显著差异(p﹤0.01);(2)大学生睡眠质量整体(5﹤M=5.16﹤10)还行,大学生睡眠质量在性别(p﹤0.01)和年级上具有显著差异(p﹤0.01);(3)大学生积极情绪处于中等偏上水平(M=31.7﹥23),消极情绪处于中等偏下水平(M=15.77﹤23),大学生积极情绪和消极情绪在性别和年级上具有显著差异(p﹤0.05);(4)自我宽恕和PSQI总分呈显著负相关(p﹤0.01),积极情绪与自我宽恕呈显著正相关(p﹤0.01),消极情绪与自我宽恕呈显著负相关(p﹤0.01),积极情绪与PSQI总分呈显著负相关(p﹤0.01),消极情绪与PSQI总分呈显著正相关(p﹤0.01)。(5)积极情绪在自我宽恕和睡眠质量中起部分中介作用,R2=28.1%,消极情绪在自我宽恕和睡眠质量中起部分中介作用,R2=46.1%。结论:自我宽恕可以直接作用于睡眠质量,也可以通过积极情绪或消极情绪间接作用于睡眠质量。43424

    毕业论文关键词:自我宽恕  积极情绪  消极情绪  睡眠质量  中介作用

     The Relationship between Self-forgiveness and Sleep Quality in College:Mediator Effect of Emotion


    Objective: To explore the relationship between self forgiveness and sleep quality in college students, and to further verify the mediating role of emotion in the relationship between self forgiveness and sleep quality. Methods: a questionnaire survey was conducted on the subjects of HFS, the positive negative mood revised by Qiu Lin (PANAS-R) and PSQI. Results: (1) College Students' self forgiveness level is at upper middle level, more concretely, college students have significant differences in gender and grade.; (2) College students sleep quality is not bad, the sleep quality of college students is significantly different in gender and grade, girls' sleep quality is worse than boys';(3)The positive emotion of college students above average levels, college students' negative emotions are below average level,positive emotions and negative emotions have significant differences in gender and grade;(4)Self forgiveness and PSQI total score is a significant negative correlation, positive emotion and self forgiveness is a significant positive correlation, negative emotions and self forgiveness is a significant negative correlation, positive emotions and PSQI total score is negative correlation, negative emotions and PSQI total score was significantly positively correlated. (5)Positive emotions play an intermediary role in self forgiveness and sleep quality; Negative emotions play an intermediary role in self forgiveness and sleep quality.Conclusion: Self forgiveness can be directly related to the quality of sleep,and self forgiveness can also affects sleep quality through mood.

    Key Words: Self- forgiving  Emotion  Sleep quality  Mediator effect


    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    1 问题提出 1

    2对象与方法 1

    2.1 被试 2

    2.2 研究工具 2

    2.3研究程序及数据处理 2

    3结果 3


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