    摘要小微企业存在资金有限、管理水平低、发展缺乏规划及信用不足等问题,使其在寻求融资的过程中无法达到投资者的要求,尤其在向商业银行申请贷款的过程中,大多数小微企业无法提供有效的抵(质)押物和信用问题等,银行往往对其存有“惜贷”心理, 所以融资困难无疑成为小微企业发展的瓶颈问题。小额贷款信用保证保险介入小微企业融资工作,既能解决小微企业融资难的问题,又能扩展保险公司的业务范围,这于有效整合金融资源,探寻共赢的合作模式提供了解决的路径。目前,在开展贷款信用保证保险业务工作中存在的主要问题是投入成本高、发生逆向选择和道德风险的可能性大、中小企业信用体系不健全增大信用保证保险开展的工作难度以及缺乏相关法律保障,导致实施过程中无法可依。对此,本文在分析小微企业融资困难和保险公司开展小额贷款信用保证保险业务面临的问题的基础上,提出保险公司介入小微企业征信调查,完善中小企业信用体系建设、强化借贷风险的控制;银企保三方按比例分摊贷款风险、政府给予财税优惠支持;保险公司进行专业人才储备,加大宣传力度以及利用共同保险及再保险,分散承保风险等相关措施的探讨,以期实现保险更好地为小微企业解决融资难题做出有益的探索。45149
    毕业论文关键词:小微企业; 融资难; 贷款; 小额贷款信用保证保险
    Abstract There are Small and micro businesses with limited capital, management level is low, lack of planning and development problems of credit deficiencies, so that it can’t meet the requirements of investors in seeking financing process, especially in the process of applying for loans to commercial banks, most Small and micro businesses to provide effective against (quality) and property and credit problems, banks often have "credit crunch" psychological on it, so the financing difficulties will undoubtedly become the bottleneck of the development of Small and micro businesses. Small loan credit guarantee insurance in the Small and micro businesses financing, not only can solve the financing problem of Small and micro businesses, but also can expand the scope of business of the insurance company, on the effective integration of financial resources, provides the solution path seeking win-win cooperation mode. At present, the main problems of carrying out credit guarantee loan insurance business work is the high cost of inputs, the possibility of a large, medium and small enterprises the occurrence of adverse selection and moral risk of the credit system is not sound credit guarantee insurance to carry out the work difficulty is increased and the lack of relevant legal protection, lead to follow the implementation process. Therefore, based on the analysis of Small and micro businesses financing difficulties and the insurance company to carry out small loans credit guarantee insurance business is based on the problems faced, put forward Small and micro businesses credit insurance companies involved in control survey, construction, perfect credit system for small and medium-sized enterprises to strengthen debt risk; bank insurance three party prorate loan risk, the government give preferential taxation support; insurance company a professional talent reserve, intensify propaganda and the use of CO insurance and reinsurance underwriting risk, to investigate the dispersion related measures, in order to realize the insurance for the better Small and micro businesses to solve financing problem made useful exploration.
    Key words:Small and micro enterprises;Financing problems;Loan;
    Microfinance Credit Guarantee Insurance
    目    录
    摘  要I AbstractII
    一、小额贷款信用保证保险对小微企业融资的必要性和重要性 1
    (一)拓宽小微企业融资渠道,化解融资难题,增强融资能力 1
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