

    With the Internet developing and online shopping becoming popular,Chinese online market bring in an explosive growth and gradually come in maturity over these two years. The size of market in the most representative E-commerce platforms like Tmall and JD becomes larger and larger.The competitive environment becomes intense and the marketing costs in platforms improve constantly. Besides, the ways of promotion are various. So, the enterprises’ want of letting their brands break through in such a intense competitive environment is no longer a simple thing. In this page,it mainly take the Tmall brand “FINIQ” as an example.The study is based on E-commerce marketing strategy of brand positioning. According to the process of the FINIQ flagship store operating, the page will analyze FINIQ how to select the matching marketing strategy based on its brand positioning and analyze the effect.After that, the page will give the suggestions to the Tmall sellers and help them select the matching marketing promotion ways from the perspective of brand positioning.At the same time the page will offer some references to the other B2C platforms' sellers. 

    毕业论文关键词:品牌定位; 电子商务; 营销策略; 天猫

     Keyword: Brand positioning; Electronic commerce; Marketing strategy;Tmall

    目    录

    一、引言 4

    1.1选题背景和意义 4

    1.2研究内容 5

    1.3研究方法 5

    1.4本文创新点 5

    二、文献综述 6

    2.1品牌定位理论的研究 6

    2.2电商品牌定位相关的研究 6

    2.3淘宝网营销策略 7

    2.4研究中存在的问题 8

    三、关于电商品牌运作思路的见解 8

    3.1电商品牌定位 8

    3.2电商品牌突围 9

    3.3品牌与平台的关系 10

    四、 天猫商家网络营销策略分析 10

    4.1平台内的付费推广 10

    4.2站内外促销活动 10

    4.3社会化媒体营销 11

    五、实证研究——以梵后品牌为例 11

    5.1梵后简介 11

    5.2梵后品牌的定位策略 11

    5.3梵后所采取的营销策略 13


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