

    Abstract:The growing importance of social media marketing to business branding has had been well in the Internet society and the traditional market economy era of increasingly interlinked, commercial society of competition is more and more from the commodity price, quality, function, upgrading to "brand competition" senior competition stage. In the process, with the enterprise growth, is the name of each brand of entrepreneurs, such as Microsoft's Bill Gates, wal-mart's Sam Walton, haier's Mr Zhang, sohu’s Zhang Chaoyang, vanke’s WangShi, lenovo's Liu Chuanzhi, etc...Their every action in bearing the weight of the image of enterprise, transfer the information of the enterprise. From these representative entrepreneurs, we can see: about a brand new way of communication arises at the historic moment, brand for the enterprise, not only represents the enterprise brand, product brand, more represents the entrepreneurs personal brand. This article combines the major core journals in the typical research contents and conclusions as a review, based on the theory of integrated marketing communications perspective, from entrepreneurs personal status of integrated marketing communications and new trend to study, to study in the Internet social entrepreneurs how to through the rule of integrated marketing communications to build brand, as well as for entrepreneurs to build a personal brand integrated marketing communication strategy.


    Keyword: integrated marketing communications; Entrepreneurs brand; Strategy research 

    目    录

    1引言 3

    1.1选题背景及意义 3

    1.2研究内容 3

    1.3本文创新点 3

    2文献综述 3

    2.1企业家个人品牌传播的相关文献 3

    2. 1. 1企业家个人品牌传播的相关文献 3

    2. 1. 2企业家个人品牌传播对企业的作用 4

    2.1.3国外对企业家个人品牌传播的文献综述 4

    2.1.4总结 4

    2.1.5国内外企业家个人品牌整合营销传播研究现状 4

    2.2整合营销传播理论的相关文献 8

    2. 2. 1整合营销传播的定义 8

    2.2.2整合营销传播的发展阶段理论 8

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