


    Analysis of Staff Turnover Rate and Its Countermeasures -- A Case Study of A Company

    Abstract:With the speeding up of the process of marketization in China, various types, depending on the size of the number of enterprises increased, multinational company's talent exploitation, etc. to China bring development, increase jobs at the same time, also contributed to the loss of our employees. Talent as human resources with the other resources do not have the value, the loss of employees in enterprises, especially the loss of excellent employees will give an enterprise to bring inestimable loss. Therefore, the reasonable control of the employee turnover rate is also increasingly entrepreneurs more attention. This paper takes a company as an example, through investigation and research, from the company's employees loss current situation and cause of, combined with the company's actual Problems are discussed and put forward feasible solution to these problems proposed. The significance of this thesis lies in use talent loss theory of the existing research results, in combination with the actual situation of the company, proposed design scheme of reform, to help better control employee turnover, and hope to provide reference to resolve problems related to the enterprises in the same industry.

    Key words: Employee Turnover; Employee Turnover Rate; Human Resource Management

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、员工流失率相关概念及其不利影响 2

    (一)员工流失率的相关概念 2

    (二)员工流失率过高的不利影响 2

    二、A公司概况 3

    (一)公司简介 3

    (二)组织结构 4

    (三)A公司员工流动现状 4

    三、A公司员工流失主要原因分析 5

    (一)人力资源管理不完善 5

    (二)培训制度不完善 5

    (三)缺乏公平合理的绩效考核制度 6

    (四)员工需求得不到满足 6

    (五)落后的管理模式 7

    (六)行业特性的影响 7

    (七)外部因素对员工流失的影响 9

    四、员工流失率过高问题的解决措施 9

    (一)合理招聘是降低员工流失率的首要环节 9

    (二) 基于培训角度降低流失率的措施

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