
    摘要本研究采用文献法和问卷调查法试图对高校学生的情况进行分析,找出大学生网络消费和消费心理的误解并进行讨论,帮助他们形成正确的消费心理。研究结论:1. 不同性别间节约型消费心理、享乐型消费心理、爱慕虚荣型消费心理存在不同。2.不同的年级在节约型消费心理上存在差异。3.在节约型消费心理、随心所欲型消费心理、爱慕虚荣型消费心理上城市与农村大学生存在不同,在享乐型消费心理这一维度上,独生子女与非独生子女不同。4.节约型消费心理得分越高,爱慕虚荣消费心理得分越低;冲动型消费心理得分越高与享乐型消费心理得分越高;享乐型消费心理越高,随心所欲型消费心理、爱慕虚荣型消费心理得分越高;随心所欲型消费心理得分越高,爱慕虚荣型消费心理得分越高。50147

    毕业论文关键词:大学生  网络消费  消费心理 

    The error causes and countermeasures of college students' network consumption psychology


    This study based on the analysis of students consumption situation of found errors in college students ' psychological and discussions to help them establish the correct consumer psychology, helps to correct the values and good environment for consumers. Based on discussions, presented in Internet consumption platform development proposals.

    Method:(A) literature review: broad, comprehensive collection and documentation related to this research so as to provide solid documentation of this research base.

    (B) questionnaire: according to Li Han (2008) development of college students ' psychological questionnaire (alpha-=0.86), consumer psychology students are pided into the following dimensions:-saving impulse consumer psychology, consumer psychology, hedonic psychology, revealing consumer psychology and consumer psychology five vain dimension "1".

    Results:1.saving the consumer psychology and hedonic psychology, consumer psychology in vain gender differences significantly.2.conservation-minded consumption psychology, impulsive consumer psychology, psychological differences in different grades of hedonic consumption.3.rural and urban students in conservation-minded consumption psychology, revealing consumer psychology, vanity type consumption psychological differences in the hedonic psychology on that dimension, only-child and non-only-child is different.4.and save type consumption psychological and love vanity consumption psychological exists very significantly to negative related; impulse type consumption psychological and pleasure type consumption psychological between exists very significantly of are related, and and free type consumption psychological exists significantly related; pleasure type consumption psychological and free type consumption psychological, and love vanity type consumption psychological exists very significantly of related; free type consumption psychological and love vanity type consumption psychological exists very significantly of related.

    Key Words: college students  network consumption   consumption psychology

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 IV

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 前言 VI

    2 文献综述 1

    2.1 消费及网络消费的概念 1

    2.2 网络消费的相关问题研究 2

    2.3消费心理的研究 3

    3 研究过程

  1. 上一篇:项目管理的演化历程及最新发展
  2. 下一篇:大学生发型消费对其自我接纳影响的研究
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