




    Research on the reasonable location of logistics distribution center——Taking Su Ning as an example


    When the country changes from the 12th Five-Year plan to the 13th Five-Year plan , China's logistics industry has entered a new stage of the development with the main line of transformation and upgrading and it has become a popular industry in the modern economy chased by various businesses.

    In the logistics network, the distribution center runs through the entire logistics system, exists in all aspects of the logistics system.

    The correct location of the distribution center has a significant impact on the role of logistics system and the improvement of the economic efficiency of logistics.Because the logistics and distribution center has a large number of buildings, structures, as well as large mechanical equipment, once built almost impossible to move, if the site is not properly, it will pay a huge price,so we need to attach great importance to the logistics distribution center location planning.

    With the rapid development of the national economy, the rapid growth of demand for logistics, in order to better promote the economic benefits of logistics enterprises, further reducing the social cost of logistics and distribution center location planning is imminent.

    This article takes the Suning group’s distribution center in Nanjing as the research object, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to construct the model of location of logistics distribution center, and combined with the judgment of the related data and logistics experts conducted a site analysis and selection. 

    Key Words: Logistics;  Logistics distribution center;  Location selection;  AHP

    目  录苏宁物流配送中心合理选址问题的研究——以苏宁为例

    摘要 Ⅰ 

    Abstract II


    一 绪论 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究意义 2

    (三)国内外研究现状 2

    二 物流配送中心选址相关理论 4

    (一)物流配送中心相关理论 4

    (二)物流配送中心选址原则 5

    (三)物流配送中心选址规划考虑的因素 5

    三 物流配送中心选址方法选择 7


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