


    毕业论文关键词:在校大学生; 消费结构; 消费影响因素;

    Abstract As of 2015, the total size of all kinds of higher education in our country is 35 million 590 thousand , the number of college students ranked first in the world.  At the same time, as China entered the Web3.0 era, the university students' consumption patterns and consumption ideas have a great change, and the impact of the consumption structure and consumption trends on the family and society is also growing.

    This article from two aspects and consumption structure of college students and the influencing factors were analyzed. According to the different purpose of consumption to consumption structure pided three parts: basic subsistence consumption, development of consumption and entertainment consumption; influencing factors from the two dimensions of consumers' internal and external four factors analysis, questionnaires are issued to the questionnaire star platform, according to the statistical data of the survey, using ratio analysis. That maximum expenditure of college students is the basic expenses of food, and development and entertainment oriented consumption inpidual differences greatly. In the overall is growth trend, and in the factors that influence consumer, family, and peer group and the mass media influence on college students maximum.

     Keyword:college students; consumption structure;   


    1.绪论 5

    1.1研究背景: 5

    1.2研究意义 5

    1.3研究内容 6

    1.4研究方法 6

    1.4本文创新点 6

    1.5技术路线 7

    2.文献综述 7

    2.1大学生消费结构的相关文献研究 7

    2.2大学生消费心理的相关文献研究 9

    2.3影响大学生消费结构的因素的相关文献研究 9

    2.4.研究不足 10

    3.大学生消费结构和影响因素分析假设 10

    3.1消费结构的概念 10

    3.2消费影响因素概念 11

    3.3大学生零用钱消费结构假设 11

    3.3.1零用钱来源 11

    3.3.2零用钱总额 11

    3.3.3生存型消费 11

    3.3.4娱乐型消费 12

    3.3.5学习型消费 12


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