

    毕业论文关键词:溱湖湿地    生态旅游   旅游产品开发

    Abstract: Through the questionnaire investigation and interview of the Qin Lake Wetland scenic spot, we found that the Qin Lake Wetland has problems of the characteristic products which are under-developed. The tourist route is miscellaneous; The popularity of the products is not high; The unit price is too high. To solve these problems, the Qin Lake wetland should have regional characteristics in the development of forest tourism project on water; simplify the tourist line, integrates the tourist route, uses the cross walking and boat in order to reduce the fatigue of travel and promote the intuitive feelings of tourists. The Qin Lake also need to optimize propaganda way, develop the promotional platform, positioning different needs of the market to adjust the ticket price and launch more choice of products to meet the tourists of different consumption levels and needs. To improve the service system and pay more attention to the improvement of wetland water environment and other aspects it will promote the sustainable development of Qin Lake Wetland and drive the development of local tourism industry.

    Keywords: Qin lake wetland   Ecological tourism   tourism product development


    1  引言 5

    文献回顾 5

    研究方法 5

    3.1  文献研究 5

    3.2  走访交流 5

    3.3  问卷调查 6

    4  开发问题分析 6

    4.1  旅游产品开发的问题 6

    4.2  旅游产品知名度问题 7

    4.3  产品定价问题 8

    5  关于改进与可持续开发的个人见解 9

    5.1  森林旅游资源的开发 9

    5.2  旅游线路改进 9

    5.3  优化宣传策略,提升知名度 10

    5.4  完善旅游服务设施 10

    5.5  合理定位客源市场,拟定票价与营销策略 11

    结语 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14

    附录一 15

    附录二 17

    1  引言

    溱湖国家湿地公园位于江苏中部的里下河地区,地处姜堰区西北部, 是由国家林业局批准设立的全国第二家、江苏省首家国家级湿地公园,是江苏省最大的淡水沼泽湿地。经过历年的开发和利用,现已形成自然景观与农耕文明相结合,古镇与湿地风貌毗邻的自然景区,也是典型的半自然农耕特色的郊野型湿地公园。素有“莫道江南花似锦,溱湖水国胜江南”的美誉。作为里下河地区的重点旅游地,名声也日渐雀起。但实地调查发现,溱湖湿地公园还存在许多需要完善的地方,如旅游特色产品开发不足,旅游吸引物名不副实;早期无序开发造成植物种群衰退,水体遭受污染,生态失调;游览线路冗杂,缺乏规划,影响游客直观游览体验;票价制定偏高,旅游产品宣传力度不足等问题。本文基于对溱湖湿地的考察,针对其开发现状和现有问题进行探讨,以期为后续开发提供参考。

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