摘 要:随着企业营销方式的推陈出新,传统的渠道模式已经老化,愈来愈多的企业在原有的渠道基础上开始发展网络渠道,作为其新的销售平台,这也引发了两种渠道之间的渠道冲突。本文以波司登为例,分析了渠道冲突带给波司登四个主要问题:价格混乱、实体店铺促销力度小、线下顾客流向线上、渠道混乱。并给出了四个建议:一是线上线下价格统一;二是进行差别促销;三是实行产品各品牌的区隔;四是进行渠道合作,实现双方共赢。目的是能够解决波司登在电商环境下的渠道冲突问题,促进其更好的发展。64040
Abstract: With the innovation of the enterprise’s marketing mode, the traditional channel model aged. More and more enterprises strive to develop the network channels, which are based on the original channels, as its new sales platform. It also leads to the channel conflicts between the two channels. In this paper. Enterprise make BOSIDENG as an example, and analyze the four main issues that bring to BOSIDENG by the channel conflicts: the chaos of price, the small discount of entity shop, the flow direction of customers from online to offline and the chaos of channels. so I give four suggestions: Firstly, we should unite the price between online and offline. Secondly, we should conduct the difference of sales promotion.Thirdly, we should realize the segment of every brand and product; finally, we should conduct the channel cooperation and achieve win-win situation.The purpose of it is to solve the channel conflicts of BOSIDENG in the electronic business environment, and promote better development.
Keywords: e-commerce, down industry, channel conflict
1 前言 3
1.1 电子商务的发展现状 3
1.2 中国羽绒服行业的发展现状 4
2 营销渠道冲突管理理论综述 4
2.1 渠道冲突的定义 4
2.2 渠道冲突的原因分析 4
2.3 渠道冲突的类型分析 5
3 以波司登为例进行渠道分析 6
3.1 波司登企业简介 6
3.2 波司登传统渠道状况分析 6
3.3 波司登传统渠道老化带来的问题 7
4 波司登线上线下渠道冲突成因及影响 9
4.1 波司登变革传统渠道,试水电子商务 9
4.2 波司登网络渠道的成功对传统渠道的冲击 10
5 波司登双渠道供应链中带来的问题 10
5.1 价格混乱,窜货严重 10
5.2 线下促销力度小,销量难达门店目标 11
5.3 实体店铺顾客流向线上 11
5.4 产品营销渠道杂乱 11
6 波司登双渠道冲突对策分析 12
6.1 严选线上渠道成员,实现价格一致 12
6.2 明确渠道成员角色,进行差别促销 12
6.3 线上线下实行品牌或产品区隔 13