摘要活性炭作为一种优良的物理化学吸附剂,越来越受到人们的重视,作为吸附剂,其应用几乎涉及到国民经济的各个领域。我国已跃为世界生产和出口活性炭第一大国,而活性炭工业本身对环境的污染及危害并没有得到足够的重视。对于环境以及人体健康着想,活性炭工业产生的废水废气治理环节不容忽视。坐落于开化县池淮镇坝头老建材厂的开化长河炭业有限公司拟形成年产10000吨环保型活性炭的生产能力的建设项目需设计废水废气治理方案。基于此,在对现场进行踏勘、调查的基础上,结合搜集资料,编制了本方案。本文着重分析探讨该企业附近区域地表水(池淮溪)水质测定及废气对周围空气的影响。根据检测后的结果分析表明本项目水环境质量主要监测项目pH、BOD5、CODMn、SS、NH3-N、TP、总氮、石油类的各项指标均能达到GB3838-2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅲ类标准,故当地河流水环境质量现状较好。其中pH的范围在7。3-7。9之间,BOD5在0。76-0。95mg/L之间,远没有超过4mg/L的标准值。项目所在区域常规大气污染物SO2、NOx、TSP监测值也均能达到GB3095-2012《环境空气质量标准》二级标准规定要求。SO2最大浓度不超过0。106mg/Nm3,NOx最大浓度不超过0。090mg/Nm3,TSP最大浓度不超过0。223 mg/Nm3。因此,项目所在区域环境空气质量现状良好。89743

毕业论文关键词:废水; 废气; 工业化

Abstract As a kind of excellent physical and chemical adsorbent, activated carbon have gotten more and more attention。 as adsorbent, its application involves almost all fields of national economy。 China has jumped to the world's superpower production and export of activated carbon first。 However, activated carbon industry itself to the environment pollution and the harm has not been enough attention。 For the environment and human health, industrial waste gas treatment of waste water produced activated carbon link cannot be ignored。 Located in kaihua ChiHuai town jetty head the civilization of the old building materials factory Kaihua River charcoal industry Co。,Ltd。, to form the annual output of 10000 tons of environmental protection of active carbon production capacity for the construction of the project to design waste water waste gas treatment project。 Based on this, on the basis of field reconnaissance and investigation, combined with the data collection, compiled in this plan。 This paper analyzed the business area near surface water (ChiHuai creek) determination of water quality and the impact on the surrounding air exhaust。 According to the test result analysis shows that the project is main water environmental quality monitoring project, pH, BOD5, CODMn, SS, NH3 - N, TP, total nitrogen, oil and all the indexes can reach class GB3838-2002 the Ⅲ class standard of surface water environmental quality standard, so the local river water environment quality present situation is better。 The pH range between 7。3 to 7。9, BOD5 between 0。76 and 0。95 mg/L, is nothing more than 4 mg/L standard values。 Project area normal atmospheric pollutants SO2, NOx, TSP monitoring value also can achieve GB3095-2012 "ambient air quality standard" secondary standard regulation requirements。 The largest SO2 concentration is not more than 0。106 mg/Nm3, NOx maximum concentration of not more than 0。090 mg/Nm3, TSP maximum concentration of not more than 0。223 mg/Nm3。 Therefore, the project area present situation of air environmental quality is good。

Keyword: Wastewater; Waste gas; Industrialization 

目    录

1引言 1

1。1研究背景 1

1。2废水处理的国内外研究现状 1











