    关键词  颗粒物污染、PM2.5、温度、相对湿度、风向、降水
    Title Pollution Condition of Atmospheric Particulates and Its Relationship with Meteorological Factors in Nanjing                              
    In order to investigate the level of particulate pollution in Nanjing City and study the influence factors, we collected atmospheric particulates in the first chemical building of Nanjing University of Science and Technology from January to April in 2015.In the meanwhile we gathered the data of air quality in Olympic Center Site, Ruijin Road Site and Xianlin Site which were the state-controlled points, and the weather conditions of Nanjing City. Then analyzed the level of particulate pollution and its influence factors in Nanjing.
    The result showed that Nanjing City particulate pollution was serious in the study period, the daily average concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 obtained from campus sampling points were 83.1 and 111.9, respectively, the exceeding rate was 50% and 23.3%, respectively; taken three country control points averages as Nanjing City air quality data, it turned out that daily average concentration of PM2.5 was 99.97and its exceeding rate was 55.9%. The proportion of the respirable particulates in the air took up a large part, the PM2.5/PM10 ratio was 0.7433 (R=0.9793).The concentration of PM2.5 was significantly affected by other polluting gases, which was positively correlated with SO2,NO2 and CO, and the correlation coefficient was 0.7681, 0.5795 and 0.7035, respectively, The influence of wind direction humidity and precipitation on the concentration of PM2.5 was relatively great. The influence of wind direction on PM2.5 concentration mainly depended on the direction of pollution sources; the concentration of PM2.5 rises as the increase of humidity; precipitation could greatly reduce the concentrations of PM2.5; temperature and PM2.5 concentrations were positively correlated, but it was not very obvious. The analysis of this paper could provide some technical support for improving the air quality of Nanjing city.
    Keywords  particle pollution, PM2.5, temperature, relative humidity, wind, precipitation
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1大气颗粒物    1
    1.2 大气颗粒污染物的危害    1
    1.3 大气颗粒污染物检测方法    3
    1.4 我国及南京市颗粒物污染现状    4
    1.5 本文的研究内容与意义    5
    2  实验部分    6
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