    Evaluation of the environmental condition of centralized drinking water source in a certain district
    Abstract:With the rapid development of our society and the increase of the population of our country's economy, greatly enhance China's comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness. At the same time, the rapid development of industrialization and city accelerated process of age, drinking water pollution has become an urgent problem to be solved. A lot of city drinking water sources around the destruction of the environment, water quality is gradually reduced, which seriously affect the sustainable development of the health of the masses and the local economy. So, we must also be in the process of development, fully aware of the need to protect the source water security, also fully aware of the importance of water quality assessment of water source. The paper by using modern ideas and environmental science and modern technology, the safety evaluation system of city drinking water source, research results have been achieved ideal.
    Key Words:Centralized water supply; environmental assessment; water quality assessment   
    目   录
    1  总   论    -1 -
    1.1背景依据    - 1 -
    1.1.1 工作背景    - 1 -
    1.1.2 评价依据    -2 -
    1.2评价范围    - 3 -
    1.3环境评价内容    -3 -
    1.3.1水质状况评估    - 3 -
    1.3.2环境管理状况评估    -8 -
    2 水源地基础状况    - 11 -
    2.1 水源地基本状况    - 11 -
    2.1.1倒天河水库基础信息    - 12 -
    2.1.2倒天河水库保护区划定情况    - 12 -
    2.1.3倒天河水库保护区环境监管情况    - 12 -
    2.2水源水质状况    - 14 -
    2.3水源环境管理状况    - 14 -
    2.3.1监测能力    - 14 -
    2.3.2水源保护区划分    - 14 -
    2.3.3水源保护区标志设置    - 15 -
    2.3.4水源一级保护区整治    - 15 -
    2.3.5水源二级保护区整治    - 16 -
    2.3.6水源风险管理    - 17 -
    2.3.7应急能力    - 18 -
    2.4评估结果    - 21 -
    2.4.1水质分析结果    - 21 -
    2.4.2环境管理状况    - 21 -
    2.5水质与环境管理状况改善评估    - 21 -
    3 问题与成因分析    -22 -
    3.1水质问题及成因分析    -22 -
    3.2环境管理问题及成因分析    - 22 -
    3.2.1环境监测能力    - 22 -
    3.2.2保护区规范化建设    - 22 -
    3.2.3保护区综合整治水平    - 22 -
    3.2.4环境风险和应急管理    - 23 -
    3.3 近三年的水质变化趋势分析    - 23 -
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