
    摘要:当今社会,因肉类水果蔬菜等食物中含有机氯农药(OCP s)而造成的人类身体健康危害和生态污染问题,引起了全世界广泛人民的注意与关心。为了防止人类误食那些因吃了含有机氯农药的饲料的鱼类,而危害人类身体健康,对鱼类饲料中机氯农药的检测尤为重要。本文研究饲料中有机氯农药的分析检测方法。本论文利用加速溶剂萃取法(ASE)有效提取饲料中的二十几种有机氯农药,经氮吹仪浓缩后,先用凝胶色谱仪(GPC)去除脂肪,然后经过使用固相萃取仪(SPE)进行进一步的分离净化,最后氮吹至1ml通过气相色谱-三重四级串联杆质谱仪进行定性定量的检测分析。方法验证结果,标准曲线的线性关系良好,灵敏度高,低浓度和高浓度的回收率在

    回收率为70.0 % ~130 % ,28%~52%,因此该方法的准确度和和回收率较好,可用于鱼类饲料中有机氯农药的测定。48639

    毕业论文关键词: 饲料; 有机氯农药; 加速溶剂萃取; 凝胶色谱净化; 固相萃取

    Determination of organic chlorine pesticides in fish feed

    Abstract:  In today's society, foods such as meats fruits and vegetables contain organic chlorine pesticides (O C P s) are harmful to human health and pollute the ecosystem. This problem has received great attention and concern of the people in the world. In order to prevent humans from eating those fish that has eaten the feeds containing organic chlorine pesticides, hazards to human health. So it is particularly important for people to detect OCP s in feed. In this paper, through the study of organic chlorine pesticides at home and abroad in recent years as a scientific theory combining with the repeated operation and improvement of experiment, to establish the appropriate detection method for OCP s in feed. Through optimization of before treatment methods improved, and finally, using the following test method:Using ASE to effectively extract more than 20 species organic chlorine in the feed pesticide .After nitrogen blowing and being concentrated, we use GPC for purification processing. After nitrogen blowing again, we use SPE on residual of feed pigment for further of separation purification. After the last nitrogen blowing, samples are detected relying on GC -MS. Based on the experiment, the method of the qualitative and quantitative method for determination of OCP s has been established by ASE extraction, GPC, SPE and GC -MS has good linearity, high sensitivity, and accurate and reliable qualitative and quantitative data, recovery between 70.0% and 130%. The accuracy and recovery better of this method is suitable for the determination of OCP s in feed.

    Key Words: feed; OCP s; ASE; GPC; SPE


    1 绪论 1

    1.1选题的意义 1

    1.2 有机氯农药及其测试方法综述 2

     1.2.1 饲料中的有机氯农药的理化性质 4

     1.2.2 气相色谱法 4

     1.2.3 气质联用法 5

    1.3 实验对象的选择 6

    1.4 鱼类饲料的处理方法 7

     1.4.1 文献方法 7

     1.4.2 课题采用方法 12

    1.5 数据处理 12

    1.6 课题基本研究方案 12

    2 实验部分..12

    2.1 主要的实验仪器.12

    2.2 主要实验所用试剂和实验所用材料.13

    2.3 鱼类饲料有机氯农药试验分析方法建立流程...13

    2.3.1 气质联用方法建立...14

    2.3.2 鱼类饲料前处理方法的建立 ...15

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