As a promising drug, aceclofenac has been extensively studied。 Aceclofenac synthetic methods are many, but the synthesis of pramipexole dihydrochloride routes mainly in the following three ways: ①First, diclofenac sodium is reacted with α- haloacetic acid benzyl ester, then through Pd / C catalyzed debenzylation achieving the product, and the yield is only 35%。 ②With diclofenac sodium and α-halogenated acetic acid trihalide ethyl ester reaction in acid and zinc powder under the catalytic hydrolysis, the yield is more than 90%, but the raw materials are not easy to get。 ③With diclofenac sodium and amine reaction diclofenac quaternary ammonium salt, with α-haloacetate and then under acidic conditions in the hydrolysis, and the yield is more than 80%。 By comparing these three methods, we can see that the third method has obvious advantages in terms of yield and raw material acquisition。 After checking other literature, the another synthetic route that be improved can be established on the basis of method III。 2-(2,6-dichloroanilino) phenylacetoxyacetic acid tert-butyl ester was obtained by the reaction of diclofenac sodium and t-butyl chloroacetate in acetonitrile and then hydrolyzed under acidic conditions to achieve aceclofenac。 The main features of the synthetic route are: easy to operate, easy to obtain raw materials and the total yield of 82%。 So the final yield and purity of the product are greatly improved, which will help the final purification。 Through process design, so that it can scale production。 

With the rapid development of chemical industry, chemical products have been omnipresent everywhere。 Therefore, the task of designing increasingly is heavy chemical industry。 First, in the chemical industry, through the use of knowledge and method of design can be achieved on the chemical (workshop) for renovation and expansion of the unit to operate the equipment or the entire device capacity calibration and technical and economic indicators assessed; on the process evaluation; discover weaknesses and irrational phenomena and mining production potential, and so on。 Second, in scientific research, ranging from small experiments to try to enlarge, as well as put into industrial production, are inseparable from the design。 From the development of the modern petrochemical industry, the scientific research plays an increasingly important role。 The changes make the results of scientific research into productivity, namely to achieve industrialization, must closely integrate research and design new processes, new products and new equipment development。 Third, the basic construction, design is the most important part of the basic construction is based on the existing construction。 From a single device to a full device, from a small chemical plant (plant) to large petrochemical enterprises, they must first prepare engineering design before building construction。 To build a high quality, advanced level of chemical plant, an important prerequisite is to have high-quality, high-level design。 Designed to improve the quality and speed of development of the basic construction plays a key role in promoting the。 

In short, the design of the new chemical plant (plant or equipment) building, the old plant transformation potential, small scale or pilot plant has established an extremely important role。 You can also say that the design is the production of leading, is scientific research and industrial production necessary way。

1。 Duty origin 

This design is slightly tries according to the aceclofenac scientific research to report and the experimental empirical datum。 Its goal is carries on a time of chemical design attempt using the chemical engineering correlation knowledge, and is the aceclofenac industrialization production; the production installment design provides the reference。 As the simulation design, this article has abbreviated the chemical design partial contents, like craft pipeline design, explosion-proof electricity design, and power design and factory whole arrangement and so on。
















