    摘 要:自我服务能力,也就是幼儿在一定时期内自我照顾自我管理的能力。良好的自我服务能力对于人一生的发展都有其不可估量的作用。学前期是人生中非常关键的一个时期,是可塑性最强的一个时期,也是培养幼儿自我服务能力的一个关键期。随着时代的发展,幼儿自我服务能力的培养越来越受到家长老师的关注,但是在具体的实施过程中却存在相当多的问题。本毕业论文以周口A幼儿园小班为例,通过问卷调查法和访谈法对小班幼儿自我服务能力培养的现状展开调查。得出家长、老师在对幼儿自我服务能力的培养上普遍存在溺爱、代替甚至包办现象的结论。分析造成这一现象的原因,并从家庭、幼儿园两方面提出加大幼儿自我服务能力培养实施力度的策略。21224
    Kindergarten small-class children investigation and analysis of cultivating the ability of self service
    Abstract: Self service ability, that is, children in a certain period the ability to take care of the self management. Good ability of self service for the development of life has its immeasurable role. Preschool age is critical period in one's life, is one of the most plastic period, also a critical period of cultivating children's self service ability. With the development of The Times, the cultivation of the children's self service more and more get the attention of parents to the teacher, but in the process of the implementation of the specific quite a lot of problems. In zhoukou A kindergarten class, for example, this paper through the questionnaire investigation and interview method for small children present situation investigation of cultivating the ability of self service. It is concluded that parents and teachers on the cultivation of children's self service is widespread dotes on, replace or even arranged phenomenon. Analysis the cause of this phenomenon, and put forward from two aspects of family, kindergarten strengthen children's self service ability training implementation strategy.
    Key words:Small children; Self service ability training; Critical period
    目    录

    摘 要    1
    Abstract    1
    前言    2
    一、概念界定及研究的重要性    3
    (一)幼儿自我服务能力概念    4
    (二)培养小班幼儿自我服务能力的重要性    4
    二、小班幼儿自我服务能力培养的现状及原因分析    4
    (一)小班幼儿自我服务能力培养现状    4
    (二)小班幼儿自我服务能力培养状况的原因分析    5
    三、加大培养幼儿自我服务能力实施力度的策略    7
       (一)建立自我服务意识,激发自我服务兴趣    7
    (三)利用多种活动和教育手段,增强幼儿自我服务技能    8
    (三)实施经常化教育,巩固幼儿自我服务的能力    8
    结语    8
    参考文献    9
    附录    10
    致谢    11
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