Based on Chenheqin kindergarten Curriculum Theory Music Activities
——In zhoukou city A kindergarten, for example
Abstract:Music is one of the oldest art form. As early as in ancient China is prospering in the poem, in the ritual, as in music Also in the west, with music is a higher revelation than philosophy。This fully shows that music education is of great importance Children and has a great development potential of the inpidual, the music education for children's potential development also has very important significance。In kindergarten music activities in the process of the existence of error, such as: the lack of teachers' knowledge accomplishment, teaching target weight show light performance, teaching content heavy light integrated disciplines To organize the implementation of light weight training experience, the teaching activities of teachers as the main body, to ignore the children's interests, etc.Mr Chen Heqin is China's famous child psychologist, educator, children and our children music education of the creator, his live on education curriculum theory of children's music education thought and the contemporary music education thought, is the same in many ways。Give us today's kindergarten music activities provided valuable wealth can jian This paper has observed by A questionnaire to analysis A kindergarten music activities at present, the combination of Chen Heqin curriculum theory examine kindergarten music education activities, and puts forward Suggestions for the kindergarten music activities.
Key words:Chen Heqin curriculum theory;kindergarten;musical activity
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract: 1
一、周口市A幼儿园音乐活动开展现状及存在的误区 2
(一)幼儿教师自身素养缺乏 3
(二)幼儿园音乐活动目标重表演轻表现 3
(三)教学内容设置单一 4
(四)组织实施重学科、轻整合,忽略幼儿发展,兴趣 4
(五)音乐活动开展的环境资源不充分 5
二、陈鹤琴幼稚园课程论的内容及伦理意蕴 5
(一)陈鹤琴幼稚园课程论的内容 5
(二)陈鹤琴课程论的儿童音乐教育思想 6
三、陈鹤琴的课程论对幼儿园音乐教育的启示 7
(一)引进优秀专业师资,提供多渠道进修学习,为幼儿创设良好的音乐环境 8
(二)注重学科整合,适当把音乐渗透到各科学习当中,融音乐于儿童的一日生活 8
- 上一篇:幼儿园大班集体早期阅读活动开展的现状研究
- 下一篇:流行音乐元素融入幼儿园音乐教育活动的现状及分析