    摘要:良好的师生关系是有效进行学校工作的重要保障,是构建和谐校园的基础,是实现教学相长的催化剂,能够满足学生发展的多种需要。随着基础教育改革的不断深入,“以人为本”的教育观不断彰显,促进学生的全面发展,提高学生的综合素质, 人人参与、平等对话、相互合作的新型师生关系逐渐形成,这种新型的师生关系既是新课程改革实施的前提和条件,又是新课程改革实施的内容和任务。因此,开展对新课程背景下新型师生关系的重要性、影响因素、形成机制及其构建途径的研究,对于推进基础教育课程改革,全面提高义务教育质量都具有十分重大的现实意义。23292
    The Reconstruction of Basic Education Reform and the Relationship
    between Teachers and Students
    Abstract: In the economic globalization and the increasingly opening today, human communication ability, the sense of cooperation is essential to the success of the business. Optimizing the relationship between teachers and students and education environment is good, can improve the formation of personality and comprehensive quality for the students to lay a solid foundation. A good relationship between teachers and students is the important guarantee of the school work, is the basis for building a harmonious campus, is the realization of teaching benefits teachers as well as students of the catalyst, can meet the various needs of students. The implementation of the new curriculum reform calls for the establishment of a new relationship between teachers and students, the premise and condition of the implementation of the new relationship between teachers and students is the new curriculum reform, also is the content and task of the implementation of the new curriculum reform. Should a new relationship between teachers and students to establish equality, mutual respect and democratic, harmonious, development under the background of new curriculum. In the teaching process optimization, the relationship between teachers and students is a kind of equality, trust, understanding, mutual condition, a new relationship between teachers and students to create a harmonious, pleasant atmosphere for education will produce a good educational effect.
    Keywords: Basic education; curriculum reform; the relationship between teachers and students; students; democracy; equality
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