毕业论文关键字:核心价值观; 小学语文教科书; 渗透现状; 编写建议;
AbstractAs the quality-oriented education deepens,it has gradually been common sense of education circle and the society to lay emphasis on the leading role of Chinese education in primary school students’value education,which has also been pointed out in New Curriculum。Thus,this article describes the survey on the socialist core values 12 words infiltrating in the current Chinese textbooks in people’s education press’s edition by bibliography,text analysis and frequency statistical method based on which it has been pointed out in three dimensions why socialist core values 12 words in this teaching material penetrate inequally,the distribution of every key word differs a lot in overviewed and elective texts the situation is also different。Also,it offers some exploratory strategies and suggestions on how to further the class teaching of front-line Chinese teachers in primary school and the edit of primary Chinese textbooks。
Keyword:socialist core values; Chinese textbooks; status quo;edit
摘要 3
一、引言 6
(一)研究背景 6
(二)研究意义 7
(三)概念界定 7
1。小学语文教科书 7
2。核心价值观 8
(四)研究方法 10
1.频数统计法 10
2。文献法 10
3。文本分析法 10
二、教科书中价值观渗透状况的分类统计 10
(一)分类标准的探讨 10
(二)分类情况的统计 13
1。国家层面 13
2。社会层面 15
3。公民层面 15
(三)分类结果的分析 17
1.渗透数量的统计 17
2.所属层面的对比 18
3.课文类别的对比 18
4.单元导读的影响 19
三、教科书中价值观渗透差异显著源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 的原因分析 19
(一)学生心智发展与社会经验的影响 20
1。学生心智发展的阶段性 20
2。学生社会经验的匮乏 21
(二)国家对教科书价值取向的影响 21