    [关键词] 初中生;体像烦恼;生活满意度;社交回避与苦恼;中介效应
    Body Image Depression and Life Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Social Avoidance and Distress in Junior Middle School Students
    Abstract: In order to provide reference and basis for mental health education and know the relationship of body image depression,life satisfaction as well as social avoidance and distress among the junior middle school students, this research used questionnaire survey method to investigate 323 students of a junior middle school in Xuzhou.Research results showed that the body image depression was in the medium level;life satisfaction was at the upper level ;social avoidance and distress was in the medium level in junior middle school students.The junior middle school students' body image depression had significant differences in different grade and BMI;life satisfaction had significant differences in different  grade and BMI as well as only child and non-only child;social avoidance and distress had significant differences only in different  grade.The junior middle school students' body image depression had significant negative correlation among life satisfaction; body image depression had significant positive correlation with social avoidance and distress;
    social avoidance and distress had significant negative correlation with life satisfaction.Social avoidance and distress in partial intermediary role between  the junior middle school students' body image depression and life satisfaction.
    Keywords:junior middle school students,body image depression,life satisfaction,social avoidance and distress.
    引言    1
    一、文献综述    2
    (一)体像烦恼的概念    2
    (二)生活满意度的概念    3
    (三)社交回避与苦恼的概念    3
    (四)社交回避与苦恼在体像烦恼和生活满意度之间的中介关系研究    3
    二、研究设计与方法    4
    (一)对象    4
    (二)工具    5
    1.《青少年学生体像烦恼问卷》    5
    2.《青少年学生生活满意度量表》    5
    3.《社交回避与苦恼量表》(SAD)    5
    (三)方法    6
    三、研究结果    6
    (一) 初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼状况    6
    (二)初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼在人口学变量上的差异    6
    1.初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼在独生与否上的差异    6
    2.初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼在BMI上的差异    7
    3.初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼在年级上的差异    8
    4.初中生体像烦恼、生活满意度、社交回避与苦恼在性别上的差异    8
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