    Case Study implement health education in kindergarten - Taking Xuzhou Tongshan New M nursery class large X Case
    Abstract:   Health is a person's physical and psychological dynamic and positive social adaptation in good condition. Good health is the foundation of all kindergarten children to protect the lives and promote children's health as a priority, reflecting the health education in early childhood education. However, the current state of implementation of health education in kindergarten is not satisfactory, there have been many problems: lack of understanding, greater emphasis on intellectual education; the content of deviation understanding of mental health education; insufficient scientific way to implement health education; home cooperation missing. In this paper, a class in Xuzhou Tongshan New M kindergarten, for example, the use of literature review, interviews, questionnaires, observation and other methods in the study conducted research on the educational status of implementation of health classes, and thus make policy recommendations. We hope on the current status of implementation of health education in kindergarten and problems can have a certain significance.
    Key Word: Nurser;Health educate;Status of implementation;Implementation Strategy    
      目 录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    一、研究缘起    1
    二、概念界定    1
    (一)健康    1
    (二)健康教育    2
    (三)幼儿园健康教育    2
    三、国内外研究综述    2
    (一)幼儿园健康教育目标的研究    2
    (二)幼儿园健康教育内容的研究    3
    (三)幼儿园健康教育实施途径与方法的研究    3
    (四)幼儿园健康教育评价的研究    3
    四、研究对象以及研究方法    3
    (一)研究对象    3
    (二)研究方法    3
    1、文献查阅法    3
    2、访谈法    3
    3、问卷调查法    4
    4、观察法    4
    五、研究结果分析    4
    (一)幼儿园健康教育目标的理解    4
    (二)幼儿园健康教育的内容    5
    (三)幼儿园健康教育的实施途径    5
    (四)幼儿园健康教育评价主体的研究    6
    优尔、幼儿园健康教育实施中的问题及原因分析    7
    (一)理解不足,更加注重智力教育    7
    (二)内容上对心理健康教育的偏差理解    8
    (三)健康教育的实施途径不够灵活    8
    (四)家园合作缺失    8
    七、幼儿园健康教育实施策略    9
    (一)园长要转变传统观念,加强自身领导    9
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