

    In the context of the new curriculum, effective teaching has become the direction of the teaching reform. As a generally accepted the education teaching idea, it conforms to the requirements of quality education, and plays an important role in the cultivation of practice ability and self developing ability, innovation ability of students. The teaching idea of moral lesson in the junior middle school now also promote effective teaching, in order to promote the comprehensive development of students. Classroom management is the premise and the foundation to guarantee the smooth implementation of effective teaching. In recent years, the ideological and moral teaching in junior middle school has made obvious achievements, but the research on classroom management is still relatively small, for what is the effective dimension of Ideological and moral class management does not have the corresponding standards and boundaries. Based on the field observation method, questionnaire survey method, conducts the research to the junior middle school thought personal character class, and by combining the concept of effective teaching, systematically put forward the thought personal character classroom management strategies: the thought personal character classroom environment optimization strategy, strategy, improve the effectiveness of the ideological and moral teaching strategies, classroom management concept transformation of Ideological and moral class the rules of strategy formulation and the thought personal character classroom harmonious relationship between teachers and students to establish strategy.


       Keywords:Junior middle school thought personal character class;Effective teaching;Classroom management;Strategy

      目    录

    摘    要 2

    一、概念界定 4

    (一)有效教学的含义 4

    (二)课堂管理的概念 4

    (三)思想品德课堂管理维度研究 5

    二、有效教学视野下初中思想品德课堂管理维度研究 7

    (一)初中思想品德课堂问卷调查结果及原因分析 7

       1、课堂环境沉闷,学生课堂注意力难以集中 7

       2、课堂纪律差,违纪行为频繁 8

       3、教学内容脱离学生生活,教师与学生脱节 9

       4、学生对思想品德课不重视,兴趣普遍不高 10


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