

    Science is a discipline on the basis of experiment, which spreads knowledge by visual phenomena. The experiment is an important way to learn science. The new curriculum standards emphasize that the students are first. So it can’t meet this requirement without the support of the experiment. In the present teaching activity, however, there are many teachers ignore the importance and necessity of the demonstration experiment, holding the "can do not do" attitude of teaching. According to the author’s experience in Hangzhou dinglan experimental middle school, the author put forward her own opinions and views on the principle of light reflection is the exploring experiment, trying to improve the actual effect of demonstration experiment; And the author opened the empirical investigation in greentown yuhua qinqin school, in order to explore the demonstration experiment is to help teachers to improve teaching quality effectively, finally draw the conclusion: the demonstration experiment can arouse the enthusiasm of students in class, in the process of experiment, the abstract knowledge visualization, at the same time, the demonstration experiment can develop the students' ability of observation, stimulate students to think and solve the phenomenon of the nature of reason.

    毕业论文关键词:科学; 演示实验; 实效性

    Keyword: Science Class; Demonstration Experiment; Effectiveness

    目    录

    1有效的演示实验在教学中的作用 4

    1.1有利于激发学生的学习兴趣 4

    1.2能将抽象的知识直观化 4

    1.3有利于激发学生的逻辑思维 4

    1.4有利于培养学生的观察动手能力 4

    2演示实验在当前教学中存在的问题及原因 5

    2.1学校方面 5

    2.2教师方面 5

    2.3学生方面 6

    3提高演示实验实效性的策略(以浙教版初中科学为例) 6

    3.1演示实验设计思路的优化 6

    3.1.1关注实验方法的渗透 6

    3.1.2注重与实际生活相结合 7

    3.1.3重视实验变式的运用 7

    3.2演示实验教学实践的优化 8

    3.2.1完全源于教材的演示实验 8

    3.2.2习题中出现的相关实验 9

    3.2.3生活中可取材的小实验 9


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