    毕业论文关键词:对外汉语教学;文化教学; 问题; 教学策略
    With the development of globalization, the , economic,political and cultural exchanges between china and foreign countries have been expanded, more and more foreigners coming to China to study, work, the development of  TCFL in our country is in full swing. Culture teaching in TCFL has been brought to the attention of the industry in the 1980 s. But so far in the specific content of culture teaching and methods are existing problems ,and there are no unified standard.
    Based on the TCFL as the research object, firstly discussed the problem about the importance of culture teaching, and through the Chinese and western culture in the etiquette and custom, communication, food, and compare the differences of four concluded the necessity of cultural teaching in TCFL this conclusion. Secondly, by comparing the difference of the stage of the students, we should always implement the principle of inpidualized. In addition, the cultural integration of language, culture into vocabulary teaching and culture teaching is an important strategy. Finally, this paper also discusses the problems and Countermeasures of the foreign language teaching, and draws the corresponding countermeasures.
    Key words: TCFL; culture teaching; problems; countermeasures
    目  录
    引  言    1
    第一章  对外汉语文化教学    2
       1.1文化教学与语言教学的关系    2
       1.2对外汉语文化教学的内涵    3
       1.3文化差异的表现    3
         1.3.1 礼仪文化差异    3
         1.3.2习俗文化差异    3
         1.3.3交际文化差异    4
         1.3.4饮食文化差异    4
    1.4对外汉语文化教学的地位    5
         1.4.1文化传播是对外汉语教学的目的之一    5
         1.4.2文化传播是对外汉语教学的重要任务之一    5
    第二章  对外汉语文化教学的策略    6
    2.1因材施教    6
         2.1.1按等级分    6
         2.1.2按文化圈分类    7
    2.2 文化融入语言中    7
    2.3文化导入词汇教学    8
         2.3.1文化导入原则    8
         2.3.2深入挖掘、积极拓展词汇的文化内涵    9
         2.3.3借助现代化教学手段了解词汇文化内涵    9
    第三章  对外汉语文化教学存在的问题及对策    11
    3.1教学理念方面    11
    3.2 课程设置方面    11
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