
    摘  要:随着我国幼儿教育事业的发展,幼儿素质教育早已深入人心,人们越来越认识到幼儿品德教育的重要性。《幼儿园教育工作规程》中明确指出,幼儿园的品德教育应以情感教育为主。而角色游戏是幼儿时期最典型的游戏形式,角色游戏中幼儿情感体验非常丰富,非常有利于情感教育。本文试分析角色游戏与幼儿情感教育的关系,分析我国目前幼儿情感发展中存在的问题,并提出在角色游戏中进行情感教育的策略,为我国幼儿情感教育的实践提供参考。55732


    Abstract: With the development of early childhood education in China, children’s quality education has been deeply rooted in the heart of people already. and people have been increasingly aware of the importance of children's moral education. "Kindergarten education work discipline" made it clear that the kindergarten of moral education should give priority to the emotional education.  Role playing game is the most typical form of that in childhood, and it is very beneficial to emotional experience and education. This paper tries to analyze the relationship between role playing and children's emotional education, and analyze the currently children's emotional problems existing in the development of children, and put forward the strategies in the role playing game to provide reference for the practice of children's emotional education in our country.  

    Keywords: role playing game , emotional education , strategies

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  幼儿园角色游戏和幼儿情感教育综述 4

    2.1幼儿园角色游戏 4

    2.2幼儿情感教育 4

    3  幼儿园角色游戏对幼儿情感教育的价值 6

    3.1角色游戏促进幼儿自信心发展 6

    3.2角色游戏促进幼儿道德情感发展 7

    3.3角色游戏能够培育幼儿美感,激发创造力 7

    3.4角色游戏培养幼儿情绪控制能力 7

    4  我国目前幼儿情感教育的现状 8

    4. 1幼儿情感发展状态调查 8

    4. 2调查总结 10

    5  在角色游戏中进行幼儿情感教育的策略 10

    5.1创造良好的角色游戏环境,激发幼儿游戏的动机和兴趣 10

    5.2教师要树立科学的幼儿情感教育观,提高情感教育的意识 11

    5.3教师正确介入、引导幼儿角色游戏 11

    5.4教师应正确评价幼儿的角色游戏 11

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1  前言


  1. 上一篇:农村留守幼儿人际交往发展的问题及对策
  2. 下一篇:区域活动中开展幼儿早期阅读的对策研究
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  2. 幼儿园集体教学活动中师幼互动现状调查研究

  3. 幼儿园小班角色游戏开展现状调查研究

  4. 幼儿园室内环境创设现状调查研究

  5. 农村幼儿园一日活动安排的现状调查研究

  6. 幼儿园安全教育现状调查研究

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