摘要:汽车作为一种重要的交通工具,不但是科学技术水平发展的重要标志,而且是资金密集、技术密集和人才密集的综合性强、经济效益高的产业。由于轿车在中国汽车出口中占有举足轻重的地位,运用国际贸易理论综合剖析中国轿车出口现状、存在的问题,着眼轿车发展趋势的变化,在机遇与挑战的背景下中国轿车业应从企业内部与外部、国内与国外等各个方面找出问题的根源所在,通过深层剖析找出解决的办法,从而促使中国轿车出口长远健康发展,实现中国轿车出口的跨越式发展。如果这些问题不能得到尽早解决,将对于未来中国轿车出口形势产生重要的影响,甚至对轿车海外市场的拓展、国际贸易市场秩序以及世界经济繁荣发展产生深远影响。有鉴于此,本文正是运用比较优势理论、要素禀赋理论、“母市场效应”理论、SWOT态势分析法等,从目前国际市场和中国轿车市场发展的现状、存在的问题、发展趋势,深入分析探讨得出针对中国轿车出口贸易的发展策略。24552 毕业论文关键词:中国轿车出口;贸易现状;发展策略
Analysis of the current situation and development strategy of Chinese car export
Abstract: As one of the most popular vehicle, car is not only the important mark of our science and technology development, but also a capital intensive, technology intensive and talent intensive industry with high economic benefit and strong comprehensive competitiveness. Due to the decisive role of sedan in our car exportation, we should analyze the present condition of Chinese car exportation and its problem comprehensively on the basis of international trade theory; focus on the changes of car development trend; find out the root of its problem from every aspect in challenge, and then come up with the resolution. All of this aim to a health and long-term growth development of our car industry, realize the transform from a great car-used country to a great car-making country, and finish a great-leap-forward development. If those problems cannot be solved in time, there will be a profound impact on our future car exportation condition, even on the expansion of overseas car market, the international market trade rule and prosperous development of world economy. Considering of this, the thesis based on the comparative advantage theory, the theory of factor endowments , the home market effect, SWOT analysis, etc to look for the develop strategy aim at Chinese car exportation from the present condition of domestic and foreign market development, their problems and the tendency.
Key Words: Chinese car export; Trade status; Development Strategy
引言 1
(一) 研究目的 1
(二) 研究意义 1
(三) 主要内容 1
一、中国轿车出口发展现状 3
(一) 轿车出口的规模不断扩大 3
(二) 轿车出口以一般贸易为主 4
(三) 轿车出口市场呈现多元化 4
(四) 自主品牌轿车成为出口主力 6
二、中国轿车出口贸易的SWOT分析 8
(一) 轿车出口贸易的优势 8
1、 生产成本低优势突出 8
2、 大国市场优势明显 8
(二) 轿车出口贸易的劣势 9
1、 低质低价竞争,缺乏自主知识产权 9
2、 售后服务体系不健全 9
(三) 轿车出口贸易的机会 10
1、 上海自贸区给国内轿车业带来的机会 10
2、 全球轿车产业重心东移 10