摘 要:山东省位于我国东部沿海地区,地理位置优势明显,自然资源丰富,是典型的适宜发展农业经济的省域。 尽管如此,山东省内处于不同地理位置的市域在农业发展上也有着很大的差距。因此,我们需要探求并总结出山东省沿海与内陆地区产生农业发展较大差距的原因。本文采用的研究方法主要是实证分析和定量与定性分析相结合,探究发现山东省的沿海市域相较内地市域在农业发展上存在优势的主要原因是由于处于不同地理位置而使得市域之间在渔业发展上存在较大差异。因此,针对这样的现实情况,提出一些具有可行性的建议以达到进一步协调山东省农业均衡和谐稳定发展的目的,使得处于不同海陆位置的地区都能形成适合当地农业发展的特色发展模式,这在理论和实践上都具有重要意义。94593
Abstract:Shandong Province is located in the eastern coastal areas of China, the geographical advantages are obvious, rich in natural resources, is a typical suitable for the development of agricultural economy in the province。 Nevertheless, Shandong Province in different geographical locations in the agricultural development also has a big gap。 Therefore, we need to explore and summarize the reasons for the large gap in agricultural development between coastal and inland areas of Shandong Province。 In this paper, the research methods used in this paper are mainly empirical analysis and quantitative and qualitative analysis of the combination found that the coastal areas of Shandong Province compared to the mainland in the agricultural development of the main advantages of the existence of the main reason is due to the geographical location of the city between the fisheries There is a big difference in the development。 Therefore, in view of this reality, some feasible suggestions are put forward to achieve the goal of further coordinating the harmonious and stable development of agriculture in Shandong Province, so that the development pattern suitable for local agricultural development can be formed in different land and sea areas。 Theory and practice are of great significance。
Keywords:Shandong agriculture; coastal; inland; development differences
目 录
1 研究的背景3
2 山东省各市农业发展概况与数据来源3
2。1 山东省各市农业发展概况3
2。2 数据与方法4
3 数据处理、计算结果及分析4
3。1 山东省沿海和内陆市域经济发展现状分析4
3。2 山东省沿海和内陆市域农业经济发展差异5
3。3 山东省沿海和内陆市域农业分产业发展差异7
3。4 山东省各市农业经济发展的现状及存在的一些问题9
4 山东省沿海市域加快农业经济发展的对策10
4。1 重视沿海区位优势,形成市域农业特色经济10
4。2 积极发展海洋经济,形成市域经济“蓝色”竞争优势10
5 山东省内陆市域加快农业经济发展的对策11
5。1 通过产业关联效应实现生产的规模化、效益化11
5。2 以农业科技创新为动力促进农业转型升级11
结论 12
致谢 14
1 研究的背景