摘 要:巴塞尔新资本协议将操作风险划定为当代商业银行业直接面临的三大基本性实务风险之一,近年以来,操作风险及其所引致的商业银行经济利益损失已经日渐引发国内为数繁多的商业银行管理领域一线工作人员的关注。由于我国国内银行业实体从业者以及金融学术界对操作风险的研究工作较国外同行有几年时间的落后,使得我国商业银行在现阶段缺乏有效管理商业银行操作风险的制度和策略。我国现在由商业银行的操作风险引致的危害时有发生,这些偶尔出现的操作风险事件使我国商业银行发生不小的损失,商业银行领域残酷而严峻的现实状况,迫切要求提升商业银行操作风险防范。32379
本文以商业银行的操作风险的度量与防范作为基本论题。主要阐述了我国商业银行在实施具体的各类业务中所遇见的操作风险的概念界定、度量方法以及防范策略等具体内容,除了采用文献法还结合商业银行的实例进行收入法的操作分析,从不同角度去了解商业银行的操作风险管理,并为应对商业银行操作风险提出具体的防范措施。 毕业论文关键词:商业银行;操作风险;度量方法;防范策略
Measurement and prevention of operational risk in commercial banks
Abstract: One of the three basic practice, the risk of the new Basel Capital Accord, operational risk will be designated as contemporary commercial banks facing directly in recent years, the operational risk of commercial banks and caused the loss of economic interests has already triggered the few kinds of commercial bank management field staff attention. Due to the backward characteristics of domestic banks Chinese industry practitioners and entity research and pay attention to work in finance academia on operational risk than foreign counterparts for a few years, the commercial bank Chinese entity system and lack of effective management strategies of the operation risk in commercial banks at the present stage. Chinese existing commercial bank operation risk consequences have appeared, these occasional operational risk events to the real commercial banks under the existing conditions of each Chinese lead every kind of economic and other interests damages, the commercial bank industry brought the real development status of domain cruel and severe, provides sufficient conditions for practical background the real path of effective exploration to improve the operational risk management of commercial banks.
In this paper, the commercial bank operational risk measurement and prevention as the basic topic. Mainly expounds the operational risk of China's commercial banks in the implementation of the specific types of business meet the definition, measurement methods and prevention strategy and specific content, in addition to using literature method combined with the example of commercial banks operating income analysis, from different angles to understand the operational risk management of commercial banks.
Key Words:Commercial bank,operational risk, measurement method,prevention strategy
目 录
一、绪论 2
(一) 研究问题的提出 2
(二) 论文研究的主要内容和方法 3
二、 商业银行操作风险的理论 3
(一) 商业银行操作风险的概念 3
(二) 操作风险的类型 5
1.基于事件类型角度的划分 5
2.基于风险发生部门角度的划分 6
(三)我国商业银行操作风险度量 7
1.操作风险指标 7
2. 操作风险度量的一般方法 7
三、我国商业银行操作风险度量现状与方法选择 7
(一)我国商业银行操作风险度量的方法选择 7