摘要:区域性发展在概念上可以说是一个地区的发展和进步。在广泛的意义上,它与许多文度相关联,其中经济,这里指区域经济,社会,指的是社会特征的转化,文化与思想的发展,价值观,态度和观念和生态,反映出该地区对环境的担忧。地区性机构通常是在区域发展目标的执行中的重要的参与者。在这种情况下,鉴于最近的证据表明,知识型因素是决定该地区表现最主要的因素,那么一个地区中的大学预计将是该区域发展的一个重要因素。大学被视为一个生产组织,基本上是“知识”的供应商,因此,卓越的知识是其存在的主要原因,并且它最基本的目标是建立声誉,文持竞争力。不可否认的是,大学最主要的使命是创造新知识,不断探索研究和保证教学质量。然而,除了这些,一所现代大学也有其他的使命,追求高等教育也是不可忽视的。大学作为一个开放系统,区域性大学作用于与社会经济环境连续的互动, 在学术界和本地区各部门之间创建了多层次的的联系,显著影响着经济、社会、公众、政府、教育和文化领域。32480 毕业论文关键词:区域性发展;社会资本;学习区域
The Research of Local Universities Serving the Regional Economic social Development:the Case of SHANGHAI Institute of Technology
Abstract: Regional development can be approached conceptually as the process towards growth and progress in a region. In its wide sense it is linked to many dimensions among which economic, concerning regional economic performance,social, referring to transformations in social characteristics,cultural, related to the development of ideas, values, attitudes and perceptions and ecological, reflecting the region’s concern about environment. Regional institutions are generally important participants in the implementation of regional development targets.Under such circumstances, given the recent evidence that knowledge-based
sectors are mostly important in determining regional performance, a university in a region is expected to be an important stakeholder in the process of development .Viewed as a productive organization, the university is basically a supplier of “knowledge”;hence the excellence of knowledge is the main reason of its existence, and a basic target if it wishes to build reputation and sustain competitiveness. Undeniably, the central mission of the University is creation of new knowledge, promotion of research and commitment to teaching quality . However, beyond this role, which should never be forgotten when dealing with higher education, the modern university is linked to other missions as well. Being an open system itself, the regional university operates in continuous interaction with the socio-economic environment, creating multi-level links between the academic community and various sectors of the hosting region, affecting significantly the economic,social, public, governmental, educational and cultural sector.
Keywords: Regional Development;Social Capital;Learning Region
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
1、 研究背景 1
2、 研究意义 2
(二) 研究目的和方法 2
1、 研究目的 2
2、 研究方法 2
二、国内外研究现状及发展综述 3
(一)国外研究综述 3
(二)国内研究综述 4
(三)发展综述 5
三、上海应用技术学院服务区域经济现状调研 6
(一)学校基本情况 6
1、 办学条件与规模 6
2、学科专业与定位 6
3、 办学条件与规模 6
4、 师资队伍与建设 7