In our country, low carbon topic is on the rise, "low-carbon life", "low carbon economy", "low carbon technology", "low carbon supply chain" and so on. The low carbon economy development theory related to the low carbon concept constantly emerging, low carbon concept also inevitable passing to the logistics industry, thus derived new words "low-carbon logistics". Low carbon logistics has become a development trend of logistics industry, logistics as high energy consumption industries, and continuation of the previous business development mode has apparently couldn't keep up with the development of The Times, must be low carbonization development path. In this paper, we define the definition of low-carbon logistics, low carbon logistics characteristics and through comparing the development of low carbon logistics at home and abroad, the development of low carbon logistics of our country puts forward the six aspects of problems, including the concept of low carbon economy has not yet been society and enterprises to fully recognize and viewpoint of low carbon logistics is weak; Low carbon logistics policy not perfect; Logistics equipment technical level is low, logistics links "high carbon" phenomenon is obvious; Flow industry is lack of unified planning, leading to low energy-consuming effect; Logistics efficiency is not high, logistics resources waste phenomenon is serious, increase energy consumption and energy waste; Flow transportation "carbon emissions" quantity is big, serious environmental pollution. In recent years, with the development of China's economic and trade, aviation freight volume increased rapidly, the aviation logistics industry as an emerging in the national economy more and more important role as a service industry. With the further development of market economy in our country and the government gradually relaxing aviation logistics market access, there are more and more airlines set up specialized logistics enterprises, there are some powerful private logistics enterprises join in to participate in the competition. At the same time, with China's accession to the WTO, the domestic aviation logistics market further opening up, foreign large-scale aviation logistics companies to enter the domestic market, with our original aviation logistics enterprises competition situation. In this situation, the aviation logistics industry international competitiveness in China, how to develop the aviation logistics development strategy, become the prime problem of the aviation logistics enterprises participate in market competition. For a series of problems, and puts forward relevant improvement measures, respectively is the improvement of macro and micro level improvement. Through this a series of measures to improve, to improve the development of low carbon logistics research, enable our country to better carry out the policy of "sustainable development", to the logistics industry in our country to provide theoretical basis for the development of low carbon logistics, realization of social economic and environmental win-win situation.
















