摘 要:中国的服务贸易发展速度很快,但和世界上发达国家相比,竞争力比较薄弱。本文用国际市场占有率、服务贸易竞争力指数、显性比较优势指数对中、美、日、印四个国家的服务贸易竞争力进行比较。从中得出城市化水平落后、开放程度低、专业人才匮乏、政府作用没有充分发挥是造成中国服务贸易竞争力低的主要原因。提出加快城市化进程,促进服务业发展;加大开放程度,大力引进高新技术;大力培养服务贸易专业人才;建立完善的管理体系的措施,提高中国服务贸易的竞争力。36664 毕业论文关键词:服务贸易;国际竞争力;国际市场占有率;服务贸易竞争力指数;显示性比较优势指数
Study on the International Competitiveness of Service Trade China
Abstract:Chinese service trade development is very fast, but compared with developed countries in the world competitiveness is weak .In this paper, the use of international market share, trade competitive power index, revealed comparative advantage index of four countries, America, Japan, India and the competitiveness of trade in service were analyzed and compared. From that the backward of urbanization, low degree of opening, talent scarcity, and the role of government did not give full play to be the main cause of low competitiveness of China's service trade. Put forward to speed up the urbanization process, promote the development of service industry; Increased openness, vigorously the introduction of new and high technology; The training of specialists in the field of trade in services; To establish perfect management system of measures to improve the competitiveness of service trade in China.
Keywords: Service Trade; International Competitiveness; International Market Share; Trade Competitive Power Index; Revealed Comparative Advantage Index
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