摘要:随着移动互联技术的飞速发展,社会已经悄然进入“大数据时代”,各种大数据应用慢慢改变我们的生活与思文方式,这种技术带给我们便利的同时,也在悄悄侵蚀着个人数据的安全边界。众所周知,大数据与云计算技术已经被各式各样的互联网公司所采用,尤其是电子商务公司。我们的每一次点击都会被计入数据并被加以分析。这些电商对每一位用户的消费习惯以及消费能力都了如指掌。在“大数据的时代”,如何界定个人隐私,以及怎样让个人隐私得到有效保护是不得不考虑的问题。而电子商务作为涉及个人用户重要隐私最多的邻域之一,加强隐私保护则显得更为迫切。37028 毕业论文关键词:大数据时代 电子商务 隐私保护
The research of user privacy and security in e-commerce of Big Data era
Abstract:With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, society has quietly entered the "big data era," a variety of big data applications to slowly change our way of living and thinking, this technology gives us convenience, but also quietly eroding inpidual security boundary data. As we all know, big data and cloud computing technology has been used by a wide variety of Internet companies, especially e-commerce companies. We each click will be counted and analyzed the data. The electricity supplier for every user's spending habits and spending power are well known. the "Big Data era", how do we define personal privacy, as well as how to make the effective protection of personal privacy issue is forced to take into account. The e-commerce as one of the most involving personal privacy of users important neighborhood, strengthen privacy protection is even more urgent.
Key Words:Big Data era e-commerce privacy protection