关键词: 国产品牌手机,SWOT分析,贸易壁垒,出口贸易
Abstract: China's Mobile Phone of Domestic Brand Have getten rapid development under after years of efforts. By the end of October 2014, The number of the first 10 months shipments of China’s Mobile Phone of Domestic Brand is 286 million units. But compared with samsung, apple, China's Mobile Phone of Domestic Brand both in scale and level is low, generally at a lower level stage. The article analysis found that the export of China Domestic Mobile phone has price advantage, rich design, selective advantage, but at the same time there are probilems that technical level is not high, innovation and research and development ability is insufficient, inferior quality, after-sales service, low price is not reasonable and barriers to trade restrictions. It provides the opportunities that World demand increase for China's Domestic Mobile Phone and economic globalization. According to factors which restrict the export trade development of the China Domestic Brand Mobile Phone, this article puts forward that realize the independent innovation through the "unity" develop independent operating system; strengthening the technology introduction, absorption and innovation; the organic combination, strengthen the construction of channels, set reasonable price and reduce trade barriers, which contributes to the growth of the number of export trade of China's Domestic Brand Mobile Phone.
Keywords: Mobile Phone of Domestic Brand, SWOT analysis, Trade barrier, Export Trade
绪论 1
(一) 研究目的 1
(二) 研究意义 1
(三) 研究内容 1
一、 中国国产品牌手机出口贸易现状分析 2
(一) 中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展历史 2
(二) 中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展现状 2
二、 中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的SWOT分析 3
(一) SWOT分析的概念 3
(二) 中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的SWOT分析 3
1、中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的优势 3
2、中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的劣势 4
3、中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的机遇 5
4、中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的威胁 6
三、 制约中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展的因素分析 8
(一)自主创新能力与中国国产品牌手机出口贸易发展 8