China as the scale of transportation transport power, since the accession to the WTO in a linear upward trend, but at the same time, we also found in China's transportation service trade is a leading position of power, RCA index and TC index, we can find that China's transportation service trade competitive power is not strong, and weak. The transport of goods including their right are controlled by other countries in the transportation industry, ocean shipping is not a monopoly pricing power. So large in scale but it does not mean that competitiveness is strong. Therefore, in this paper, according to the important status of port for ocean transportation service trade in the port may be an important factor affecting the efficiency of transport services trade competitiveness strength. The first step, the use of deap2.1 selected port berth and berth length as input indicators, cargo throughput as output indicators calculated in China 1994-2013 years average port efficiency. The second step, the establishment of a new index Eviews is introduced with the multiple regression model of port efficiency, find the matching degree of the model and the sample data of up to 0.84, proved the hypothesis that port efficiency has a positive effect on the competitiveness of service trade in transportation. Finally, this paper put forward the measures to raise the competitiveness of specific methods of transportation service trade from the aspects of the major coastal ports of port efficiency.
Keywords: port efficiency;transportation service trade;competitiveness;weakness; input and output; influence;the improvement measure
1. 引言 4
1.1 选题的背景意义 4
1.2 研究内容 4
1.3 研究的方法 4
2. 文献综述 5
2.1 港口效率测度的相关研究 5
2.2 运输服务贸易竞争力分析的相关研究 5
3. 中国运输服务贸易的现状分析