Abstract: With the continuous development of wireless internet technology and mobile communication technology, and the more abundant of e-commerce activities. Because the quick, convenient, and ubiquitous of mobile E-commerce ,it comes into an outbreak period. It widely appeared in front of everyone and play an more and more important position and role in our life. So it can be said that the market competition of mobile commerce is intense and has huge potential. This paper mainly through the user’s perspective ,to analyzes the status of mobile E-commerce, and on the basis to build an appraisal model of availability. And on this basis take Taobao for example to carry on an investigation to better define the emphasis of the users demand, and to know the development trend of mobile E-commerce. And give suggestions to those Mobile E-commerce, let them better grasp the needs of users, and improve the products and services to have better development.
毕业论文关键词:移动电商; 用户需求; MUG;移动电商可用性评价模型
Keyword: Mobile E-commerce; User demand;MUG; An appraisal model of availability of mobile E-commerce
目 录
1. 绪论 4
1.1. 选题背景与意义 4
1.1.1. 选题背景 4
1.1.2. 选题研究意义 4
1.2. 研究内容与研究方法,拟解决的主要问题 5
1.2.1. 研究内容 5
1.2.2. 研究方法 5
1.2.3. 拟解决的主要问题 5
1.3. 文献综述 6
1.3.2. 国内外研究存在的问题 8
1.4. 移动电子商务用户需求的相关概述 8
1.4.1. 移动电子商务的定义 8
1.4.2. 移动电商用户需求的特点 8
2. 移动电商发展现状 9
2.1. 用户规模日趋壮大 9
2.2. 用户整体年轻化 10
2.3. 用户需求服务种类多元化 11
3. 基于用户需求的移动电商可用性评价模型的建立 12
3.1. 微软可用性指南(MUG)基本内容 12
3.2. 移动电商可用性评价模型的建立 12
4. 案例分析---手机淘宝的可用性评价分析 15
4.1. 手机淘宝网现状简介 15
4.2. 手机淘宝网问卷调查分析 16
5. 基于用户需求移动电商的发展趋势及相关建议