摘 要:自从的十六大提出“壮大县域经济”的号召以来,“县域经济”受到了越来越多的关注。十多年间,县域经济驶入快速发展的轨道,成果显著,地位增强。发展县域经济成为全面推进小康建设的重要任务。本文通过对淮安市县域经济发展情况进行调研和分析,找出存在的问题,如整体水平偏低、县域间发展不平衡等,以及与其他县市间的巨大差距,提出一些切实可行的对策及建议,如坚持区域经济特色、走农业现代化道路等,以激发经济发展活力,使县域经济的发展成果惠及百姓。52942
Abstract:Since the party's sixteenth People's Congress put forward calls of "strengthening county economy", "county economy" has attracted more and more attention. In the ten years, the county economy development come into the fast track, with remarkable results and status enhancement.The development of county economy has become an important task to comprehensively promote the construction of a well-off society.Through the research and analysis of present situation of the county economy development in Huaian, find out the existing problems, that overall level is low,and development between the counties is uneven,as well as huge gaps compared to other cities and counties, then put forward some practicable countermeasures and suggestions for the development,for example,adhere to the regional economic characteristics, take an agricultural and modernization way to go,and so on, to stimulate the development vigor of economy , so that the achievement of county economy can benefit the people.
Keywords:county economy ,development present situation ,problems,countermeasures
目 录
1 引言3
2 县域经济的理论介绍3
2.1 县域经济的概念3
2.2 县域经济的作用4
3 淮安市县域经济的发展现状4
3.1 县域经济保持高速增长4
3.2 县域特色经济逐渐形成5
4 淮安市县域经济发展存在的问题 5
4.2 县域经济整体水平偏低 6
4.3 中小企业融资难问题突出7
4.4 传统农业的效率低下7
4.5 特色发展不够明显8
5 淮安市发展县域经济的对策8
5.1 加大对县域经济的支持力度8
5.2 因地制宜齐发展8
5.3 着力解决融资难问题9
5.4 加快县域农业现代化步伐9
1 引言