Abstract: Urbanization is a measure of the level of economic development of a region of the main indicators,promote urbanization,development for achieving strong city of Yangzhou City, along the strategic goal of long-term significance. With the accelerated pace of urbanization, Yangzhou City emerged many new problems, overall planning of urban construction projects unreasonable, urban construction land contradiction to a test of our rulers, restricts the process of urbanization.This paper describes the basic theory of rural urbanization, examine the current situation and the main features of urbanization in Yangzhou City, analyzer the process of urbanization and the reasons for the problems, Thereby accelerating urbanization proposed measures, through planning scientific development of project, expanding land space and other measures to further accelerate the urbanization of Yangzhou City.
Keywords: urbanization,current situation, problems, improvement measures
1 引言 3
2 扬州城镇化建设的现状 3
2.1 城镇化水平稳步提高 3
2.2 农村小城镇整合周边资源实现高速发展 4
2.3 县城的基础设施日益完善 4
3 扬州城镇化建设过程中存在的问题 4
3.1 城镇化总体水平相对不高 5
3.2 农村小城镇项目建设规划不合理 5
3.3 城镇建设用地矛盾突出 5
3.4 城镇建设缺乏特色 6
3.5 人口转移缓慢 6
4 扬州城镇化建设的对策 7
4.1 统筹城乡一体化 7
4.2 科学制定城镇建设规划 8
4.3 提高土地利用效率 8
4.4 实施多元城镇化发展战略 9
4.5 加快农村剩余劳动力转移 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
1 引言